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Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is an evidence-based approach to health that uses an assessment process to identify imbalances in body chemistry which are corrected through diet, lifestyle changes, and targeted nutrients.

Nutritional Therapy treats the body as a whole while seeking the root source of health concerns, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

T he human body is in a constant state of repair, rebuilding, and regeneration.  As cells die or become injured they are replaced with new cells.  The tools used by the body to perform this feat are provided by the food we eat and the body’s ability to break down that food into molecules small enough to be used.

The need to maintain self and homeostasis is so critical that the body will even catabolize from itself in order to preserve critical functions.  It also has the ability to convert certain nutrients into others that are necessary at that moment.  This isn’t possible for all nutrients, scientists have designated those nutrients that the body can’t convert as “essential” because of the need to get them from the food that we eat.

Nutrients are not only used for rebuilding and repairing but also have the ability to protect the body from disease and injury.

Many of modern society’s health problems are the result of weaknesses in the body’s physiological foundations brought on by poor nutrition and lifestyle – either the body isn’t provided with the proper nutrients in the food that is consumed, or our poor nutrition and/or lifestyle doesn’t allow the body to properly break down the food so that the body can utilize the nutrients provided.

That’s where Nutritional Therapy comes in!
Based on the pioneering research of Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger - two of the greatest scientific minds ever to research nutrition, food supplies, and their effects on modern society - Nutritional Therapy takes a foundational, holistic approach to wellness that focuses on the importance of a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet paired with a well-balanced lifestyle.

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy recognizes the importance of honoring the body’s own feedback system and its’ incredible capacity to restore, regenerate, and correct itself — when given the tools and nutrients to do so.

The Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP formerly the NTC) uses an online assessment tool as well as a food journal and additional information provided during the consultation period to identifies client concerns and dietary patterns and make dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

The Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)has two additional assessment tools at their disposal – the Functional Evaluation / Clinical Assessment and Lingual-Neural Testing.

Clinical Assessment

The Functional Clinical Assessment is a process which allows us to identify organ systems under stress and then prioritize support accordingly. Every organ system is surrounded by a NEURO (brain) – VASCULAR (blood vessel) or NEURO-LYMPHATIC (lymph vessels) network. When an organ system becomes stressed, blood and or lymph is shunted to these networks in efforts to draw the necessary nutrients to support the organ.  This collection of fluid takes up space and registers as tenderness in the body at that organ system.

Using Functional Reflex points discovered by Frank Chapman, D.O., Terence Bennett, D.C., and Robert Riddler, D.C., the FNTP  palpates the points corresponding to the organ and asks the client to provide a tenderness rating between 0-10.

Lingual-Neuro Testing

Lingual-Neuro Testing is a valuable biofeedback tool that determines the usefulness of a nutritional supplement.  Because of the neural or electrical connection between the brain and organs, we can place a specific nutrient on the tongue and that nutrient is registered by the brain. If the nutrient is exactly what that organ system needs to restore function we get direct feedback within around 15 seconds via a change in tenderness rating.


Using the online assessment, client consultation, clinical assessment, and lingual-neuro testing allows the FNTP to access the body’s innate ability to discriminate between what it needs, and what it does not need, in order to restore functional health.  These simple and effect tools are the difference between a generic nutritional therapy plan and a personalized one.


Learn more about Lingual-Neuro Testing:

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.

Ann Wigmore

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