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Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils as detailed in Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way.

Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂

Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.

If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂



Connection 10 ml                Full Price: $15.00     Sale Price: $12.75

Dreams 10 ml                       Full Price: $19.00     Sale Price: $16.15

Focus 10 ml                          Full Price: $19.00     Sale Price: $16.15


Fir, Siberica 10 ml                Full Price: $6.25       Sale Price: $5.31

Grapefruit, Pink 10 ml         Full Price: $7.00       Sale Price: $5.95

Marjoram 10ml                      Full Price: $12.00     Sale Price: $10.20

Product Descriptions


Ingredients: angelica, cedarwood, fir, sage, spruce, ylang ylang

Affinity for: root/base chakra, solar plexus chakra, emotional balance

Resonance: spiritual, emotional

Application: LeConnection is very nice applied to the back of the neck, on the temples, or just about any where that you can imagine.

Aromatic Considerations: LeConnection has a delightful aroma which is centering, grounding, and emotionally balancing. This is a good oil to diffuse or wear when life has become too crazy and overwhelming. This blend can assist us in rebuilding our confidence and faith in our ability to cope, even under these stressful circumstances.

Emotional/Spiritual/Mental Aspects: LeConnection is designed for people who are characteristically over-enthusiastic and have unrealistic expectations of themselves, of others, or of life in general. This blend is helpful in moderating a tendency to make hasty decisions and choices. It is also of benefit to those who escape too often into their own fantasy world.

The spruce in this blend has an affinity for the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra connects us to divine energy and gives us balance and joy in our service to others. LeConnection is an excellent oil to use as part of a journal or prayer session. LeConnection can help us see where our perceptions have parted company with reality and truth. If we have been basing our decisions and behaviors on our mis-perceptions, this oil can help us make more appropriate decisions and behave in more appropriate ways.

Physical Aspects: The sage in this blend has an affinity for the pelvic area chakras and the organs contained in the pelvic region. This is an important thing to remember when trouble in these areas is connected to emotions and misperceptions,


Ingredients: benzoin, bergamot, blue tansy, chamomile German, juniper berry, orange sweet, sandalwood, spruce

Affinity for: emotional balance, brow chakra and 3rd eye, pericardium meridian, throat chakra, crown chakra

Resonance: spiritual, physical, emotional

Application: LeDreams can be applied to the forehead, eyebrows, temples, behind the ears, on the base of the neck, and worn as perfume or cologne. For restful sleep, diffuse in the bedroom or apply 1 or 2 drops to your pillow. This essential oil blend makes a relaxing evening bath.

Aromatic Considerations: LeDreams has a beautiful aroma. It can be diffused during the day for pleasure or meditation, and at night to promote restful and dreamless sleep.

Emotional/Spiritual/Mental Aspects: This blend was formulated for helping us keep our dreams in sight and realize our potential without becoming self-centered or selfish. LeDreams is one of the best oils for insomnia due to negative emotions or nightmares.

It is a favorite of children who are nervous in the dark or when left alone. If nightmares persist while using LeDreams, continue to use it in conjunction with energy work modalities. Finding the disturbing emotion, processing it, and letting it go is the only way to achieve lasting healing. LeDreams can help you do that. This blend has been beneficial for bedwetting if the root cause is fear or anxiousness.


Ingredients: bay, cinnamon bark, cinnamon berry, ginger, nutmeg, patchouli, rosewood, sage, sandalwood

Affinity for: nervous system, emotional balance, governing vessel meridian

Resonance: physical, emotional

Application: This blend can be applied to the areas on the feet that relate to the neck, head, and brain. These are found on the big toe, both top and bottom. LeFocus can also be applied to the wrists and temples.

Aromatic Considerations: I like to inhale LeFocus at times when I am studying and need to be extra alert. I also find it useful in the afternoons at the computer if my mind is slow or I am having difficulty concentrating. This blend can be diffused, but it is best to do so for short periods of time only; cinnamon, cinnamon berry, and ginger are very strong oils for diffusing. They may cause headache or a burning sensation in the nostrils.

Emotional/Spiritual/Mental Aspects: LeFocus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. Sometimes we choose to see ourselves as victims where life and everyone we know is “out to get us”. This pattern of behavior gets in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. It can also keep us from accomplishing our goals. When LeFocus has helped us become aware of our self-defeating patterns, we can choose to change them.

Physical Aspects: This blend increases mental alertness, clears that “foggy” feeling, and helps to alleviate mental confusion. It is a great aid to students and others when they face the need to commit something to memory quickly and be able to recall it with ease later.

General Information: LeFocus has much the same uses as LeCrystal Clear and LeIQ, but the aromas of these three blends are very dissimilar. These blends are classic examples of the wide range of plants that can accomplish similar healing tasks in the human body. Each person is unique with their own way of reacting to things. One of these three blends may work better for you and another one may work better for someone else. You may find all of them helpful, giving you the opportunity to choose one according to your preferred aroma or according to the price.

Cautions: This blend contains nutmeg, cinnamon, and sage. It should be used with care if you are susceptible to seizures or if you are pregnant. Repeated use could result in skin irritation, even diluted.

LeFir (Abies siberica)

Ingredient In:  LeHoliday Spirit

Therapeutic Properties:  antiseptic, antibacterial, deodorant, antitussive, expectorant, astringent, laxative, antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic, immune stimulant, nervine

Affinity For:  Central nervous system; all of the chakras

Resonance:  Physical, emotional

Plant Family:  Coniferae

Part Utilized:  needles (leaves)

Aromatic Considerations:  Fir, siberica is sightly more pungent than the balsamea variety that is described above, but still wonderfully resinous and woodsy. The aroma of fir, siberica is pleasing to both men and women. Men like the conifer oils because they lack any hint of feminine flower aromas. All conifer oils, while very nice applied to the body, are absolutely wonderful when diffused.

Application:  Fir, siberica should be diluted and applied to areas of concern or to the feet.

Emotional/Spiritual Aspects:  Conifer trees stand straight and tall with their heads in the clouds of heaven and their feet firmly planted in the earth. They have a tremendous resilience, maintaining their foliage in both summer and winter. In an evergreen tree, the foliage is centered around a central strong and solid center. Conifer trees provide protection for the other residents of the forest. These features tell us much about the use of the essential oils that are distilled from them. They are protecting and grounding and they help us structure our lives around a firm and solid center.

Physical Aspects:  Fir siberica has a very pleasing aroma. Nevertheless, it is an intense antiseptic and antibacterial. It is a pleasant alternative to tea tree oil in many instances and certainly has a more pleasant aroma.

General Information:  Fir, siberica can be used almost interchangeably with fir balsamea.

Cautions:  Fir, siberica oil could be a possible skin irritant if used for long periods of time, or when used undiluted.


Grapefruit (Citrus racemosa)

Therapeutic Properties:  tonic, digestive, antiseptic, anti-infectious, restorative

Affinity For:  urinary tract, lymphatic system, triple warmer meridian, spleen meridian, heart chakra

Resonance:  Physical, emotional, mental

Plant Family:  Rutaceae

Part Utilized:  fruit

Aromatic Considerations:  Grapefruit is uplifting to the mind and spirit. It is hard to be negative or anxious in the presence of this oil, because it promotes feelings of joy, confidence, and spontaneity. Grapefruit should be diffused or inhaled for performance stress or to cope with jet lag.

Application:  Grapefruit should be diluted and applied to the feet or to areas of the body needing to release emotions, cellulite, or both.

Emotional/Spiritual Aspects:  Grapefruit is a very joyous and positive essential oil. It can be a ray of bright light guiding us out of darkness and depression. Grapefruit is equally good for mental exhaustion and mental tension. Grapefruit seems to address the emotional issues of self-worth and discontent with one’s body that are so often a part of anorexia and other eating disorders.
The aroma of grapefruit is particularly suited to people who, when tense or under pressure, eat as a means of relieving stress or finding comfort. Often, the driving emotion is frustration because their too high expectations have not been met in some way. If they reacted to their frustration with anger or blame of themselves or others, a layer of guilt is added to the frustration. Grapefruit is used in treatment programs for drug withdrawal and to cope with the after-effects of drinking too many alcoholic beverages.

Physical Aspects:  Grapefruit detoxifies the lymphatic system. This makes it a useful tonic for many body systems. It is specific for water retention and the dissolving of cellulite. Grapefruit aids with gallstones, water retention, kidney and liver disorders. Grapefruit, diluted in water, can be used as an astringent face wash for acne. Grapefruit can relieve a migraine headache and return the energy system to normal after long jet flights. Grapefruit is one of the best oils for premenstrual water retention and headache.

General Information:  Pink grapefruit is slightly less therapeutic than white grapefruit and has a slightly sweeter aroma.

Cautions:  Grapefruit is photo-toxic. You should avoid exposing areas of skin to which grapefruit has been applied to sunlight or UV rays for at least 12 hours.

Marjoram (Marjorana hortensis or Origanum marjorana)

Ingredient In:  LeAspire, LeBalance, LeMyGraine, LeSolitude, LeTendaCare, LeVitality, LeWarmDown, LeWomanWise

Therapeutic Properties:  antispasmodic, arterial vasodilator, expectorant, digestive, analgesic, calming, sedative, antitussive, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-infective, diuretic, emmenagogue

Affinity For:  respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive areas, cardiovascular system, yang energy, solar plexus chakra, governing vessel meridian, stomach and spleen meridians

Resonance:  Physical, emotional

Plant Family:  Labiatae

Part Utilized:  leaves

Aromatic Considerations:  The aroma of marjoram oil can warm the soul in times of grief, sorrow, or loneliness.

Application:  Dilute and apply to the feet or any area of the body.

Emotional/Spiritual Aspects:  Marjoram is quieting to obsessive worry where negative thoughts circle repetitively in the brain hour after hour. This type of obsessive worry is an indication of depleted or stressed earth energy. Marjoram essential oil is also helpful for those who seem to love being in the center of some sort of drama all the time. This need for attention is a manifestation of an energetically depleted earth meridian with its ‘lack of something’ perception. In this instance, the feeling of deprivation focuses on family or friends. We are sure that ‘no one cares’ about us as they should. The aroma of marjoram oil can eliminate feelings of loneliness or persecution, replacing them with feelings of security and even some compassion for others.

Physical Aspects:  Marjoram eases respiratory distress and infections such as bronchitis. It is often beneficial for spasmodic dry coughs. The analgesic properties of marjoram make it an appropriate choice for muscle aches, sprains, strains, and arthritis. Marjoram essential oil helps bruising to clear and fade more quickly. Marjoram increases the dilation of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and eases heart palpitations. It can ease headaches that are caused by muscle tension or lack of circulation. Marjoram oil increases the tone and effectiveness of parasympathetic nerves. One benefit of healthy parasympathetic nerves is an increase in the peristalsis in the colon. Marjoram regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves pain and cramping.

General Information:  Marjoram was known as the ‘herb of happiness’ to the early Romans and ‘joy of the mountain’ to the Greeks.

Cautions:  Marjoram should be used sparingly during pregnancy