Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way. Descriptions provided compliments of Butterfly Express.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Benediction 10 ml              Full Price: $22.75    Sale Price: $19.34
Letting Go 10 ml                 Full Price: $17.50    Sale Price: $14.87
RefreshMint 10 ml             Full Price: $8.75      Sale Price: $7.44
Cedarwood 10 ml               Full Price: $6.00      Sale Price: $5.10
Mandarin 10 ml                 Full Price: $10.00    Sale Price: $8.50
Ylang Complete 10ml        Full Price: $21.00    Sale Price: $17.85
Product Descriptions
Ingredients: angelica, bay, geranium, hyssop, lemon, melissa blend, myrrh, rose, rose geranium, rosewood, sandalwood, spruce, ylang ylang
Affinity for: energy system, establishing emotional balance, bilary ducts, liver, respiratory system, endocrine system, pineal gland, pituitary gland, throat chakra, crown chakra, central vessel meridian, bladder meridian
Resonance: spiritual, physical
Application: LeBenediction should be placed on shoulders, wrists, and thymus area and is also of great benefit when diffused into a room that is highly charged with energy.
Aromatic Considerations: The aroma of LeBenediction can increase the integrity of the auric field, strengthening our personal energy barriers. This blend is particularly useful for meditation and gospel study.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeBenediction is a favorite among massage and energy therapists. It strengthens one’s own energy boundaries and protects against ‘energy drains’ that sometimes occur when working with other people’s energy fields. This blend should be used at times when you are feeling particularly vulnerable and ‘energy sensitive’ and easily drained by people and situations.
LeBenediction can help us speak up and express our needs clearly without blaming or whining, especially if we are sensitive to or over-awed by the person we are addressing. This blend can also temper our tendency to judge unkindly when we feel that a person has created the mess they are in and we are justified in leaving them alone to fix it.
LeBenediction also aids us in learning to acknowledge the role that blessings from above have played in our own successes and achievements. Gratitude to heaven is a very healing emotion; probably the best thing you can do to balance your own chakra centers. Try this blend any time you are feeling angry, stressed, or depressed.
LeBenediction is also very effective after an illness for returning energy levels to normal and getting us back on our feet both physically and emotionally.
Physical Aspects: LeBenediction is often useful for tension headaches, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure where picking up on the energies of others is a contributing factor. LeBenediction
makes an effective deodorant.
Unique Characteristics: Frequently utilized to create an energy ‘bubble barrier’ which allows us to interact with others without compromising our ‘self.’ This is true whether we are being drained by others or are at a low point ourselves and having a draining effect on those around us.
Cautions: Avoid exposing skin where LeBenediction was applied to direct sunlight for 3 to 6 hours.
LeLetting Go
Ingredients: blue tansy, hinoki, lavender, lemon, geranium, sandalwood, ylang ylang
Affinity for: emotions, digestive system, urinary tract
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: LeLetting Go should be applied directly over the liver, on the bottom of the feet, or behind the ears. This blend is very nice in a bath or diffused.
Aromatic Considerations: LeLetting Go is a favorite blend of many people. By letting go of negative emotions, we can create feelings of tolerance and compassion towards the faults & foibles of the human race, including ourselves. Regular use of this essential oil blend can help us develop feelings of trust, safety, and security.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeLetting Go is literally for what the name implies. It is for ‘letting go’ of negative emotions that we are holding onto in the physical tissues of our bodies. You can use LeLetting Go to aid in the release of anger, frustration, resentment, despair, grief, insecurity, or any other emotion that is not serving you well. This blend is appropriate when your forward progress in emotional or physical healing seems to be halted. This oil is beneficial when used for the rebellious spirit sometimes seen in teens and others of us from time to time.
Physical Aspects: LeLetting Go of the emotional baggage that we don’t need can have an energizing effect on the colon, kidneys, liver and gall-bladder in particular.
Ingredients: cedarwood, clove bud, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, juniper berry, lemongrass, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile Roman, spearmint, wintergreen, ylang ylang
Affinity for: Nervous system, fevers
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: Place 2 to 5 drops of LeRefresh-Mint in the bottom of a small bathroom paper cup; add enough water for a mouthful or two. Stir the oil vigorously into the water. Swish in the mouth and gargle for at least 60 seconds two or more times a day to promote healthy gums.
Physical Aspects: LeRefresh-Mint contains essential oils blended synergistically to promote gum health, kill a wide variety of bacteria, and leave behind a refreshing, clean taste and sensation.
Cedarwood (Cedrus deodora)
Ingredient In: LeAngel, LeConnection, LeBelieve, LeAway, LeExhilaration, LeGoodNite, LeIQ, LeKadence, LeMoonlight, LeRefreshMint, LeSanctuary
Therapeutic Properties: antiseptic, tonic, antifungal, antiseborrheic, regenerative, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, stimulant to circulatory system but sedative to nervous system—this is a rare and powerful combination.
Affinity For: urinary tract, spleen, skin and scalp, lymphatic system, kidney meridian, spleen meridian, central vessel meridian, heart meridian, chakras and subtle bodies
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Coniferae
Part of Plant Used: bark
Application: Dilute and apply to the feet or to the body.
Aromatic Considerations: Cedarwood is an excellent oil for meditation and clarity of mind. It reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. The aroma of cedarwood can help us realize when we are being self-righteous, rigid, or dogmatic in our opinions.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Cedarwood was used traditionally by the Indian tribes of America to enhance spiritual communication. Like all conifer oils, cedarwood enhances feelings of security and protection. It helps us to feel, and return, the love of heaven. The aroma of cedarwood calms anger and relieves nervous tension. It quiets the mind that is going over and over the same details, analyzing and then analyzing again. Steadiness, integrity, and emotional stability are some of the great gifts of cedarwood oil. Cedarwood strengthens the energy of the kidney meridian.
Strength in this meridian gives us the will to stand firm when we have made a decision, even against persistent opposition. Cedarwood can give us strength in times of crisis as we stand strong, refusing to lose confidence or faith. This is an excellent oil to bolster us when we are going into strange or unfamiliar situations. Cedarwood oil has been shown effective in the treatment of ADHD
because it stabilizes beta/theta waves.
Physical Aspects: Because it is mucolytic (dissolves mucous), cedarwood is useful for chest infections, asthma, and coughs. It is also soothing and healing to the skin, and especially to the scalp. Cedarwood is often used for dandruff, hair loss, and psoriasis. Cedarwood encourages lymphatic drainage and stimulates the breakdown of fat in the tissues. Mildly diuretic, cedarwood is used for cellulite and water retention. Decongestant, astringent, and anti-infective, cedarwood is useful for respiratory and urinary tract infections. Cedarwood is of benefit in any physical complaint where the underlying condition is coldness and dampness, physically or energetically. The wood of the cedar tree is valued for making cabinets and storage chests because the aroma of the wood repels moths and other insects. Because its odor and taste are pleasant, cedarwood is valued as an insect repellent to be used around spices and other food items.
General Information: Cedarwood oil is very powerful at breaking up catarrh. This action of cedarwood oil is a fine example of the connections between the physical body and the more subtle
(or energy) aspects of our systems. Just as surely as cedarwood will break up catarrh and phlegm in the physical body, it will remove the congestion and clutter that is clogging our minds and spirits
Cautions: Cedarwood should be avoided by pregnant women.
Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)
Ingredient In: LeAspire, LeBalance, LeMyGraine, LeSolitude, LeTendaCare, LeVitality, LeWarmDown,LeWomanWise
Therapeutic Properties: tonic, stomachic, digestive, calming, antispasmodic, antiseptic
Affinity For: emotions, nervous system, digestion, gallbladder meridian, governing vessel meridian
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Rutaceae
Part of plant used: fruit
Application: Mandarin may be diffused or diluted and applied to the feet or the body. Mandarin is a very gentle oil and could be massaged safely, with any carrier oil, on the abdomen.
Aromatic Considerations: Mandarin essential oil has sedative and slightly hypnotic properties, making mandarin one of the best essential oils for stress and irritability.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Mandarin promotes feelings of deep happiness. This personal happiness often manifests in our lives as kindness and gentleness with all living things. Mandarin also provides a firmness and a sense of self that allows personal growth and spiritual development. This oil is an especially good choice for those who tend to dwell in the past. It is also good for those
who tend to dwell on past emotional traumas. They have survived the trauma, but they have not thrived. Mandarin can help us achieve a state of mind where we are able to build or repair our relationships, especially with the children and the elderly in our lives.
Physical Aspects: Mandarin essential oil is a gentle and supportive healer. It is especially good for the convalescence stage of an illness. It is a good choice for very young children and for the old and frail. This oil should be considered whenever the illness is accompanied by great sadness. Mandarin essential oil is also good for digestion where it aids with such conditions as constipation and diarrhea.
General Information: Mandarin (citrus reticulota) is the variety of mandarin that is often referred to as red mandarin.
Cautions: There are no known contradictions. This is a rare citrus essential oil that is not photo-toxic.
Ylang Complete (Cananga adorata)
Ingredient In: LeAngel, LeAssurance, LeBaby Me, LeBalance, LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeBenediction, LeCandila, LeConnection, LeEverlasting, LeEZ-Traveler, LeGood-Nite, LeGrateful Heart, LeHeart Song, LeInner Peace, LeKadence, LeLetting Go, LeMoonlight, LeRefresh-Mint, LeSanctuary, LeTomorrow, LeTranquility, LeUnity, LeVitality, LeWhispering Hope, LeWisdom
Therapeutic Properties: sedative, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, nervine, antidepressant, calmative
Affinity For: adrenals and thymus, nerves, heart chakra, yin energy
Resonance: emotional, physical
Plant Family: Anonaceae
Part of plant Used: flowers
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: The aromatic focus of ylang ylang is spirituality. It fosters a desire in our souls for deeper and more meaningful communication with heaven. As we develop the
emotional, caring, nurturing, intuitive, spiritual side of our natures, many things shift for us. We find that we are able to block or filter the negativity and ‘garbage’ around us. We are better able to focus our thoughts and our drive. One of the behaviors that signals a need for ylang ylang is throwing temper tantrums that, if we are honest with ourselves, have the underlying intent of getting us our own way. Another indication for ylang ylang is sudden loss of interest in work, personal appearance, and even in family members and friends. Ylang ylang may also be helpful for insecurity, low self-esteem, anger, rage, and dare-devil tendencies.
Physical Aspects: Ylang ylang balances the male-female energies and hormones in the body by stimulating the adrenals and thymus glands. This can balance sexual energy and bring joy, harmony, and passion to relationships. The hormonal support properties of ylang ylang make it useful for the symptoms of PMS and many other hormone related complaints. Ylang ylang is a uterine tonic. Dilute and apply to the abdomen for this function.
As ylang ylang’s hormonal properties work in conjunction with its nervine properties, ylang ylang becomes exceptionally effective for depression, irritability, anxiety, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, hypertension, nervous tension, physical and mental exhaustion, nervousness, and insomnia. Ylang ylang is also excellent for routine skin care, more serious skin problems, and hair loss. Ylang ylang is also used to regulate circulation, fight intestinal infections, and alleviate constipation.
General Information: The distillation of the delicate flowers of ylang ylang is a complex process. The product that is extracted two hours after the distillation process begins is referred to in the
industry as the ‘extra.’ This distillation is extremely heady, potent, and overly-sweet, and is not used in aromatherapy applications but is used by the perfume industry because a little goes a long way and the aroma remains stable longer. This ‘extra’ is combined with the first and second distillations to form Ylang Ylang Complete. The 1st and 2nd distillations are the same flowers continuing the distillation process for longer periods of time before being ‘pulled.’ The first and second distillations are more subtle and less sweet in aroma. They are often used in therapeutic applications, but the complete is generally preferred.