Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils as detailed in Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Quiet Essence 10 ml          Full Price: $14.00    Sale Price: $11.90
Reconciliation 10 ml          Full Price: $23.75    Sale Price: $20.19
Tomorrow 10 ml                  Full Price: $29.00    Sale Price: $24.65
Cedarwood 10 ml                Full Price: $6.00      Sale Price: $5.10
Spruce 10 ml                      Full Price: $11.00    Sale Price: $9.35
Cassia 10ml                       Full Price: $8.00      Sale Price: $6.80
Product Descriptions
LeQuiet Essence
INGREDIENTS: lavender, orange sweet, rosewood, rue, St. John’s wort, valerian
AFFINITY FOR: nerves, immune function, genito-urinary system, brain, digestive system, cardiovascular system, all meridians, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra
RESONANCE: analgesic, antispasmodic, nervine, sedative
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: analgesic, antispasmodic, nervine, sedative, diurectic, antiparasitic
APPLICATION: LeQuietEssence can be diffused or used in the tub. Dilute and apply to the body along the top ridge of the ears, the wrists, over the heart, or on the soles of the feet.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The aroma of LeQuietEssence is calming and relaxing and promotes deep states of restful, dreamless sleep. LeQuietEssence lifts the mood and is a remedy for use in the treatment of depression.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: The valerian root in this blend contains some volatile components not found in any other essential oil currently produced for aromatherapy. These components are useful for an incredibly long list of things related to nerves and nervous tension. Combining, as is done in this blend, lavender, orange sweet, and the amazing nervine, St. John’s wort, creates a blend that is an effective relief for headache, irritability, premenstrual symptoms, any type of cramping or muscle spasms, insomnia, heart palpitations, neuralgia, and panic attacks.
This blend is especially effective when applied to nerve-rich areas of the body such as the back of the neck, fingers, toes, and the coccyx (tailbone).
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Recent scientific studies are proving what energy workers have known for a long while—that every cell of the body has the capacity for thought and feeling. The experiences of the past—with accompanying trauma, anger, and guilt—can be held in the cells and tissues of the body for a very long time. Such deeply held pain can dramatically alter our perspective. Truth becomes relative to our perception and the frequent triggering of our emotional pain. We either indulge in denial, suppressing memories that don’t bear out our perception, or we rewrite truth altogether in order to survive, or seek relief by vengeance or retribution.
LeQuietEssence is an essential oil blend that encourages understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This blend can help us move away from guilt and accusation and into peace and understanding. We can let go of past pain and trauma, embrace and claim for ourselves the lessons learned, and live—daily—in the warm glow of compassion for our own mistakes and the mistakes of others.
This blend is also useful for scattered or confused feelings about spirituality and inspiration. There is a strong connection between faith and immune function. Peace in this area can be a great blessing to the physical body. LeQuietEssence can help us set appropriate personal boundaries and find greater clarity in spiritual matters.
CAUTIONS: This blend contains rue, valerian, and St. Johns’ wort, but all in quite low percentages. These essential oils, particularly rue, have long lists of cautions, especially for pregnant women. As always, it is best to begin slowly and proceed with caution, always diluting well. I, personally, find little to fear in this amazing blend.
INGREDIENTS: anthopogon, rose, ylang ylang, vanilla
AFFINITY FOR: immune system, digestive system, liver, ligaments, bones, skin, hair, all four fire meridians, wood element (1st meridian), heart and crown chakras
RESONANCE: emotional, physical
APPLICATION: LeReconciliation makes a very nice perfume. It is excellent diffused, as a massage oil, or added to a bath.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The strength of LeReconciliation lies in helping us find perspective and peace by bringing us understanding and compassion. This empathy is like a warm blanket, covering ourselves and others, allowing us to stay connected even when distance separates us.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeReconciliation can fill the deep well of loneliness we sometimes feel when our lives are being lived at a distance, physically or emotionally, from the home and heritage of our formative years. Sometimes we feel that who we have become is so different from who we were that our loved ones no longer have any idea who we are. We feel misunderstood, unappreciated, and isolated from those with whom we would like to share the depths of ourselves. The aroma of LeReconciliation helps us find peace with the past, joy in our relationships as they are today, and hope for the future of our connections to loved ones near to us or far away.
LeReconciliation is a marvelous oil for grief and loss, especially if there were hard feelings or trauma in the relationship at the time of the parting.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeReconciliation is a good oil for skin care and massage. If there are any physical ailments with roots reaching into relationships, this blend should bring relief—both to the emotions and the physical imbalances.
CAUTIONS: This is a very mild and pleasant oil. It has no contraindications.
INGREDIENTS: clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, lemongrass, lime, rose, sandalwood, orange sweet, ylang ylang
AFFINITY FOR: emotional balance
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: LeTomorrow can be applied over the heart chakra, on the wrists, behind the ears, or on the neck. This blend, mixed with a carrier oil makes an excellent massage oil. It can be diffused or worn as a perfume.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Â LeTomorrow should be diffused for the calm atmosphere that it creates. This blend creates feelings of joy, peace, and forgiveness.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeTomorrow is used in emotional work to bring the focus from the past to a happy anticipation of the potential of the future. LeTomorrow helps one to find calmness and joy in the challenges of every day living. It is useful during the changing seasons of our lives to help us maintain emotional stability. One of the most pleasing aspects of this essential oil blend is the desire that it creates within us to forgive and love others more unconditionally. I find that this blend helps people leave the past behind while attaining wisdom and acceptance.
Cedarwood (Cedrus deodora)
INGREDIENT IN: LeAngel, LeAway, LeConnection, LeExhilaration, LeGoodNite, LeIQ, LeKadence, LeMoonlight, LeRefreshMint, LeSanctuary
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antiseptic, tonic, antifungal, antiseborrheic, regenerative, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, stimulant to circulatory system but sedative to nervous system—this is a rare and powerful combination
AFFINITY FOR: urinary tract, spleen, pancreas, skin and scalp, lympahtic system, central vessel meridian, kidney meridian, heart meridian, spleen meridian, chakras & subtle bodies
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: bark, wild crafted
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Dilute and apply to the feet or to the body.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Cedarwood is an excellent oil for meditation and clarity of mind. It reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. The aroma of cedarwood can help us realize when we are being self-righteous, rigid, or dogmatic in our opinions.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Cedarwood was used traditionally by the Indian tribes of America to enhance spiritual communication. Like all conifer oils, cedarwood enhances feelings of security and protection. It helps us to feel, and return, the love of heaven. The aroma of cedarwood calms anger and relieves nervous tension. It quiets the mind that is going over and over the same details, analyzing and then analyzing again. Steadiness, integrity, and emotional stability are some of the great gifts of cedarwood oil.
Cedarwood strengthens the energy of the kidney meridian. Strength in this meridian gives us the will to stand firm when we have made a decision, even against persistent opposition. Cedarwood can give us strength in times of crisis as we stand strong, refusing to lose confidence or faith. This is an excellent oil to bolster us when we are going into strange or unfamiliar situations. Cedarwood oil has been shown effective in the treatment of ADHD because it stabilizes beta/theta waves.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Because it is mucolytic (dissolves mucous), cedarwood is useful for chest infections, asthma, and coughs. It it also soothing and healing to the skin, and especially, to the scalp. Cedarwood is often used for dandruff, hair loss, and psoriasis.
Cedarwood encourages lymphatic drainage and stimulates the breakdown of fat in the tissues. Mildly diuretic, cedarwood is used for cellulite and water retention. Decongestant, astringent, and anti-infective, cedarwood is useful for respiratory and urinary tract infections. Cedarwood is of benefit in any physical complaint where the underlying condition is coldness and dampness, physically or energetically. Valued as an insect repellent to be used around spices and other food items.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Cedarwood oil is very powerful at breaking up catarrh. This action of cedarwood oil is a fine example of the connections between the physical body and the more subtle (or energy) aspects of our systems. Just as surely as cedarwood will break up catarrh and phlegm in the physical body, it will remove the congestion and clutter that is clogging our minds and spirits.
CAUTIONS: Cedarwood should be avoided by pregnant women.
Spruce, Canadian (Tsuga canadensis)
INGREDIENT IN: LeAspire, LeAssurance, LeBenediction, LeCinnamonBear, LeConnection, LeDeeper, LeDiscernment, LeDreams, LeEverlasting, LeGrace, LeHoliday Spirit, LeInner Peace, LeMagi, LeMeditation, LeMillenia, LePatches, LeSanctuary, LeStefanie, LeTrust, LeUnity, LeVision, LeWhispering Hope, LeWisdom
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, cortisone-like
AFFINITY FOR: bones, joints, muscles, endocrine system, particularly thyroid & thymus, solar plexus chakra, brow chakra, heart meridian, governing vessel meridian, liver meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: needles, leaves
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The aroma of Canadian spruce is calming to the nervous system. It encourages communication, both the speaking and listening aspects.
APPLICATION: Spruce can be applied, diluted, to the feet or any other area of the body. Spruce is very pleasant in the bath or sauna. It is frequently used as an ingredient in room sprays, soaps, and detergents.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Spruce (and other conifers) create the symbolic effect of an umbrella which protects the earth and brings energy in from the universe. At night the animals of the forest lie down under a conifer tree for the protection and rejuvenation that the tree will provide for them. Spruce grounds the solar plexus and stimulates the thymus, creating the emotional balance necessary to be gracious at both giving and receiving. Spruce can help us push through emotional blocks to further healing.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of spruce make it beneficial for bone pain, aching joints, arthritis, and sciatica. Spruce should be massaged wherever sore muscles need relaxing and re-energizing. Spruce is an excellent oil for the respiratory and endocrine systems. Spruce is a general gland and organ tonic, but it has an intrinsic affinity for balancing the thyroid function and stimulating the thymus gland.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The aroma of Canadian spruce is that of a forest of conifer trees, but with a strong balsamy vanilla undertone, which is very comforting to the emotions. Tsuga canadensis is Canadian spruce, not the species called black spruce, which is Picea marianna. Tsuga canadensis seems to be consistently sweeter, more mellow, and with more of the balsam and vanilla notes that I love than Picea marianna. Canadian spruce adds a rich depth to blends that is not usually accomplished with any other variety of spruce.
Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia)
INGREDIENT IN: LeBountiful, LeCinnamonBear, LeHousewarming, LeJourney, LeLiteN
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: stimulant, antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, antiputrescent, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antiemetic, carminative
AFFINITY FOR: circulatory system, immune system
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: leaves, bark
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Cassia should be diluted with particular care.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Cassia has a warm, spicy aroma, like cinnamon. Cassia, diffused or inhaled, reduces drowsiness and lessens irritability.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Cassia is a good oil for those who display few emotions. It can be stimulating and relaxing to those who are rigid and inflexible in their thinking, and consequently, rigid and inflexible in their bodies. Cassia can help us see new solutions to old problems, or look at old relationships in new ways.
PHYSICAL ASPECT: Cassia, like other Cinnamonum family members, is a powerful oxygenator. Cassia has a stimulating effect on the whole body, but its action is gently insistent. As a cardiovascular tonic, this oil is excellent. Cassia oil is strongly antimicrobial; virus spores, bacteria, and fungi cannot live in its presence. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil are helpful with arthritis and other aches and pains. Studies have shown that cassia stimulates T-lymphocyte activity and immuno-globulin production by the B-cells of the immune system. Increased activity of these key elements of the immune system strengthens resistance to disease.
CAUTIONS: Cassia should be avoided, except in blends, when pregnant or nursing. It is too strong to be used in the bath. Care should be taken to dilute especially well when using with children or those with sensitive skin.