If foot zoning can bless your life, why not use it to bless the lives of others?
Have you ever thought about becoming a foot zoner? Foot zone therapy dates back thousands of years and was used in anciet China and India. Egyptian hieroglyphs and paintings also show the use of this method. But not until the 20th century, when Dr. Ersdal, MD, MA of Norway used a form of this therapy to cure himself of paralysis, did foot zone therapy get rediscovered. After years of intensive clinical research, Ersdal has codified his findings into a widely respected medical science. Learn how the foot zone technique can bless the lives of your family and friends.
Classes start September 22, 2011. There are a total of nine foot zone seminars taught on a Friday and Saturday (except for class #1 which is held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). They are held once a month with a final graduation during class 9. The curriculum teaches not only the foot zone technique, but other topics to help you be the foot zoner you want to be, including:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Essential oil training
- Muscle Testing and how to use it in your life
- Energy work and shifting blocked energy in the body
- Emotions and how they store in the body
- Problems you will find in the foot zone and how to bring it back into balance
- How to create and bring balance into your life and family
- Business ethics and the laws and principles of success
In addition, we also cover many other modalities that can aid and support the foot zone technique.
Cost per seminar is $400, books and materials are $250, for a total cost of $3850. There is a $300 discount if the course is paid in full by seminar 2.
Call me at 801-292-7574 if you are interested in registering for the Foot Zone classes.