Maybe you’ve been curious about foot zoning but not really sure if it was for you. Or maybe you’re familiar with foot zoning and want to know a few things you can do for yourself. Or maybe you LOVE foot zoning, know the benefits of foot zoning, and have thought about becoming a foot zoner yourself.
No matter where you are on the spectrum, this is the class for you. Introduction to the Foot Zone Technique is a two hour class that will discuss the history of foot zoning, the benefits and what to expect after a zone, muscle testing and muscle testing by proxy for our children and family, balancing and grounding ourselves (basic energy work), essential oils, and foot zone techniques that you can do yourself for stress and tension headaches, migraines, sinus headaches and problems, PMS, and energy elevation.
No matter what your level of experience, join me Saturday, July 30, from Noon – 2:00. Class fee is $20 and pre-registration is required. Call 801-292-7574 to register.