Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils as detailed in Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Synopsis 10 ml Full Price: $8.75 Sale Price: $7.44
Turmoil 10 ml Full Price: $30.00 Sale Price: $25.50
WakeUp 10 ml Full Price: $11.00 Sale Price: $9.35
Chaulmoogra 10 ml Full Price: $8.75 Sale Price: $7.44
Petitgrain 10 ml Full Price: $9.00 Sale Price: $7.65
Thyme, White 10ml Full Price: $8.50 Sale Price: $7.22
Product Descriptions
INGREDIENTS: carrot seed, copaiba balsam, fennel, juniper berry, lemon, mandarin, melissa, patchouli, peppermint, tarragon, turmeric
AFFINITY FOR: hormones, digestive system, lymphatic system, nervous system, with special affinity for the autonomic system, urinary tract, intestinal tract, liver/gallbladder meridian, sacral chakra
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: LeSynopsis should be diluted and applied to the abdoment, back and/or the soles of the feet. It may also be diffused for its emotional and spiritual properties.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The aroma of LeSynopsis can help relieve stress, soothe the emotions, moderate mood swings, and curb irritability.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeSynopsis contains many of the best digestive oils in the essential oil repertory combined with essential oils that are specific to the emotional drivers of digestive and colon issues. This blend, however, is formulated in such a way as to particularly target liver and gallbladder cleansing and support.
LeSynopsis also has a special affinity for both the small and large intestines. This is a great blend for indigestion, bloating of the stomach or intestinal area, constipation, and diarrhea.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeSynopsis opens the mind to consideration of the emotional drivers behind digestive issues. Digestive problems that include a great deal of bloating and cramping or alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation often have emotional roots.
Some possible emotional drivers might include holding on to the past, feeling a deep need to be in control, or maintain control, in all situations at whatever the cost, a need for greater trust and cooperation in relationships, and a need to unravel or untwist complicated situations or relationships. Feelings of fear or rejection may also be a part of digestive disturbance patterns.
CAUTIONS: LeSynopsis contains a small amount of some essential oils which are, when used by themselves as single oils, contra-indicated for use during pregnancy. This blend, used with good sense and in reasonable amounts, presents no threat to pregnancy, however. If overused, the woman’s body will give warning with abnormal, mild uterine contractions.
This is an example of blended oils being safer to use than single essential oils. Nevertheless, there is always cause for moderation and caution whenever oils such as peppermint, tarragon, fennel, and turmeric are used during pregnancy, even as only a small percentage of a blended oil.
INGREDIENTS: ajowan, davana, frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, lime, palmarosa, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spikenard, zanthoxylum
AFFINITY FOR: immune system, emotional stability
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: “Rain drop” this blend down the spine or along the inside of the foot (the spine in foot zone therapy); then massage it in. Put on the chest, behind the ears, or on the forehead. This blend can also be helpful when diffused or sniffed. The aroma can be gently stimulating and centering.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: If someone is recovering from an accident or surgery, diffuse LeTurmoil near them or have them inhale it frequently.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeTurmoil helps us to view trials from a more positive perspective. This blend is useful in rebuilding the physical/emotional connection after trauma or loss. LeTurmoil should be considered for the anger stage of grief and later, if the grief seems to be settling into depression. LeTurmoil calms hyperactivity and nervousness. This remedy can calm a person who is jumping from project to project, thought to thought, and help them settle down, organize themselves, and accomplish something.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeTurmoil is a remedy for shock and trauma, especially those that are affecting physical well-being and weakening the immune system. It stabilizes a person who is feeling faint or going into shock.
INGREDIENTS: grapefruit, lemongrass, orange sweet, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, heart chakra, emotional balance, and spiritual side of our natures
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: LeWakeUp is wonderful diffused. It can be diluted and applied to the bottoms of the feet, with a special emphasis on the big toe.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeWakeUp does exactly what the name implies. It makes us feel more energetic and wide awake to our world.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeWakeUp helps us feel more energetic, enthusiastic, and even passionate about our life, the tasks we have before us, and the people around us. Somehow, it makes us want to encourage everyone around us to find the same joy that we are experiencing. This blend is a joyous vacation for our minds and spirits.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeWakeUp is helpful, both by aroma and application, for blood sugar lows (hypoglycemia) that occur just before or during the onset of the menstrual period.
Chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus laurifolia)
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: analgesic, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, cicatrisant
AFFINITY FOR: skin, respiratory tract, nerves
RESONANCE: physical
PLANT FAMILY: Achariaceae (formerly Flacourtiaceae)
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Dilute with carrier oil or water and apply to areas of concern.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Chaulmoogra has a pleasantly mild, woody aroma.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: There are no emotional aspects mentioned that I can find for this essential oil although, of course, it has some.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Chaulmoogra is used in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema. It is also used for bruises, sprains, sores, wounds, and scrofula. In England it is recommended in treatments for tuberculosis. Chaulmoogra is sometimes used in the cosmetics industry to even the pigmentation of the skin.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The fresh, ripe seeds of this plant are reputed to contain an essential oil that has been used specifically in the treatment of the early stages of leprosy. The use of chaulmoogra for leprosy is documented in several countries over a period of several hundred years.
CAUTIONS: Non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing. There is not enough information available to declare it safe for pregnancy, however. Caution is advised with pregnancy and small children.
Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium)
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antidepressant, stimulant, tonic, calmative, anti-infective, antiseptic, nervine, reestablishes nerve equilibrium
AFFINITY FOR: hormones, cardiovascular system, skin, throat chakra, liver meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: leaves, twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Petitgrain has a fresh and revitalizing orange aroma that almost sparkles through the air. Because petitgrain is made from the bark and twigs of the tree, the aroma of petitgrain is stronger and stays in the air longer than other citrus oils.
APPLICATION: Petitgrain is an excellent choice for diffusing. It can be diluted and applied anywhere on the body.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Spruce (and other conifers) create the symbolic effect of an umbrella which protects the earth and brings energy in from the universe. At night the animals of the forest lie down under a conifer tree for the protection and rejuvenation that the tree will provide for them. Spruce grounds the solar plexus and stimulates the thymus, creating the emotional balance necessary to be gracious at both giving and receiving. Spruce can help us push through emotional blocks to further healing.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Petitgrain promotes hormone balance in both men and women, especially when combined with clary sage. It is excellent for relieving rapid or erratic heart palpitations. Petitgrain is often used in substance abuse programs to aid in detoxification. Petitgrain is useful in the convalescent stage of illness. It is an excellent oil for stabilizing oil production of the skin and coping with excessive perspiration.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Petitgrain essential oil is made from the bark and twigs of citrus aurantium. This is the same plant that neroli and orange bitter are made from.
CAUTIONS: Petitgrain is listed by some authorities as photo-toxic.
Thyme (Thymus zygis var vulgaris)
INGREDIENT IN: LeBountiful, LeDelicate, LeDeliverance, LeEnergy, LeEternity, LeInsideOut, LeLifeForce, LeMariah, LeSimplicity, LeTendaCare
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, anti-infective, antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, pectoral, analgesic, expectorant, balsamic, stimulant, tonic, rubefacient, diuretic, emmenagogue, vermifuge, antivenomous, antiputrescent, immune stimulant
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, immune system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, muscles, bones, base chakra, water element, metal element, heart meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: leaves, stems, flowers
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Dilute well to apply to the feet or body.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Thyme should be diffused, either by itself, or as part of a synergistic blend, to purify the air of your home or office during the cold and flu season. (A blend would probably have a better aroma.)
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Thyme is revitalizing and nourishing to the nerves and emotions. It can help us overcome mental and emotional exhaustion, inability to concentrate, apathy, and uneasy feelings that have no cause. Thyme can aid us in finding a fresh view of a situation or a new way of doing something. It is specific for physical exhaustion, especially when there seems to be a lack of direction and motivation more than overwork. Thyme can give us strength, self-confidence, and will power. It can help us think positively, allowing us to give ourselves credit for every little bit of will power we possess, instead of berating ourselves when we display less of it than we think we should have.
PHYSICAL ASPECT: As a general tonic for the stomach, thyme’s carminative properties alleviate gas and bloating. Gas is an indication of poorly digested food. It can interfere with sleep, raise your blood pressure, become a threat to your cardiovascular system, cause severe stomach aches, cramps, and vomiting, as well as headaches and nausea. Thyme has a beneficial effect on heart valves. It relaxes the veins and arteries, reducing blood pressure, and as a result, reducing stress on the heart. It should be mentioned that, like nearly all natural remedies, thyme balances blood pressure, bringing it back to normal whether it is high or low.
The antiseptic and antiviral properties of thyme are strong enough to handle most situations. Thyme is even recommended, applied along the spine, for such ailments as spinal meningitis. Thyme, along with killing the invading microbes, aids lymphatic drainage and urine output, and strengthens the immune system. Thyme should be tried for lingering coughs.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Be sure to use Thymus zygis or Thymus vulgaris as they are milder; stronger types should never be used on children or those with high blood pressure. Red thyme is a Thymus zygis but the method of extraction creates concentrations of thymol that are excessive for frequent use or for use with children.
CAUTIONS: When not part of a blend, should be used with great caution or avoided altogether.