This is a guest post by Jeff Shepherd. Jeff is the CEO of Diffuser World, Inc. Diffuser World is an American Company that manufactures and distributes Essential Oil Diffusers. Jeff has studied Aromatherapy for 15 years and has taught classes on Aromatherapy around the country. For more information on Essential Oil Diffusers, visit their website.
Technology has come a long way since flower petals were first floated in a bowl of water and called Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has become an integral part of any healthy home. Today we have many types of Essential Oil Diffusers to choose from. It is important to understand the therapeutic and technological differences between them because the term “Diffuser” covers a wide range of products.
Aromatherapy Diffusers generally fall into one of three categories (dangerous burners excluded). These are Pad Diffusers, Vaporizing Diffusers, and Nebulizing Diffusers.
The simplest form of Diffuser is the Pad Diffuser. Because the Essential Oil is simply evaporated and sometimes heated, the therapeutic benefit is minimal. These are available with replaceable pads and very quiet fans. Pad Diffusers are nice for scenting areas for a short period of time and are very inexpensive. The most popular form of a pad diffuser is used in our cars.
The next type of Diffuser is the Ultrasonic Vaporizer. This is a very interesting type of Diffuser therapeutically because while it scents the air with Essential Oils it also creates Negative Ions. The Negative Ions have many benefits both in the air and in the body. Ultra Sonic Diffusers are very popular because of their silent operation and most come with added features like lights and even speakers for your MP3. Ultrasonic Diffusers are great if you really want to stretch your oils.
The most powerful and therapeutic type of Essential Oil Diffuser is the Nebulizing Diffuser. This type of diffuser uses a cold air pump and a jet style Atomizer to nebulize pure Essential Oil into a micro-fine vapor. The vapor that moves through the air is actual micro droplets of pure Essential Oil. This pure oil vapor is extremely powerful and therapeutic. Nebulizing Diffusers are the ultimate way to experience Essential Oils and a quality Nebulizing Diffuser can provide a lifetime of dependable service.
Investing in an Essential Oil diffuser can add therapeutic benefit to any home. When used to replace a chemical based fragrance product such as those found in the grocery store, the benefit is twofold. Not only are you ridding your home of chemicals that may be doing your family harm, you are replacing it with the most powerful naturally therapeutic substances known to mankind. Essential Oils are the purest and most beneficial compounds offered by the plant kingdom and it is no coincidence that they work so perfectly with our bodies.
The Ultrasonic Diffuser is offered as part of our Quarterly Group Buy. However, if you are interested in a different type, you can receive 5% off the price at by using this code: A631SAVE5.