Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils as detailed in Butterfly Miracles with Essential Oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Deliverance 10 ml Full Price: $17.00 Sale Price: $14.45
EndoRelief10 ml Full Price: $16.00 Sale Price: $13.60
Life Force 10 ml Full Price: $26.50 Sale Price: $22.52
Geranium 10 ml Full Price: $10.50 Sale Price: $8.92
Palmarosa 10 ml Full Price: $6.00 Sale Price: $5.10
Tea Tree 10ml Full Price: $7.75 Sale Price: $6.69
Product Descriptions
Ingredients: clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, lemon, rosemary, thyme, oregano, wild oregano
Affinity for: immune system, lymphatic system, the skin
Resonance: physical, spiritual
Application: LeDeliverance can be used in so many ways, I am sure that I will not manage to list them all here. Some common methods of use are soak the family toothbrushes in LeDeliverance mixed with water, place a drop on your toothbrush at least one time per day, and place on a cotton ball or in an inhaler and carry with you, inhaling frequently, during the cold and flu season. A particularly effective way to fight a very virulent illness is to apply LeDeliverance alternately with LeLife Force. In the evening put one of these essential oils on the K1’s (acupressure points on the feet) and the other on the thymus. First thing in the morning, put the oils on again, then put them in opposite positions. If LeDeliverance was on the thymus area the night before, it should go on the feet in the morning. This method is very effective against really nasty stuff.
Aromatic Considerations: An excellent use for this blend is to diffuse it every day during the cold and flu season to eliminate air-borne bacteria and viruses.
Physical Aspects: LeDeliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal combinations available. Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, strep throats, dental diseases and infections, cold sores, canker sores, cuts, any type of infections, athlete’s foot fungus, toe nail fungus, and infection from slivers. Apply faithfully undiluted to get rid of a wart (this takes a little time so be patient). Frequent and consistent use also strengthens the immune system. LeDeliverance is an expectorant and helps the lymph system to drain. This is a very effective oil. Everyone should have it on hand.
General Information: LeDeliverance can be used, diluted, or diffused, in the home as a cleaner and air purifier to fight viruses, and air borne bacteria.
Cautions: Care should also be taken to dilute well, especially if frequent use is anticipated. The clove, cinnamon, thyme and oregano in this blend make it a possible skin irritant.
LeEndo Relief
Ingredients: cumin, cypress, coriander, dill, geranium, myrtle, nutmeg, oregano, petitgrain, sage
Affinity for: Endocrine system, lymph system, emotional boundaries, pineal gland, pituitary gland
Resonance: physical, emotional, spiritual
Application: LeEndo Relief should be applied to the lymph glands of the neck, chest, and armpits whenever a cold, sore throat, or flu is suspected. Using LeEndo Relief early, before the illness is fully developed will lessen its severity.
Aromatic Considerations: This blend is best applied to the body.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeEndo Relief aids our emotional health because it strengthens and balances the wide range of organs and glands that make up the endocrine system. As our bodies and minds begin to function better, we feel more secure in ourselves. We are able to establish (or re-establish) boundaries between ourselves and others. This does not mean that we become prickly or rude; it enables us to be tactful and firm while still being kind and concerned.
Physical Aspects: With improved endocrine function comes improved vitality and metabolism. Our weight naturally balances and we have enough energy to last through the day (and into the night, if we need to). As an endocrine system balancer, LeEndo Relief can have a beneficial effect on any ailment that is related to endocrine organs such as the thyroid, pancreas, pineal and pituitary glands, parathyroid, thymus and adrenal glands. This makes LeEndo Relief useful for such things as diabetes, hypoglycemia, bladder and kidney infections, candida, and so much more. Support of the thyroid and parathyroid aid the proper absorption of calcium. Calcium absorption affects such things as the prevention of gallstones, kidney stones, arthritis, and osteoporosis. LeEndo Relief regulates hot flashes and moderates the other symptoms of menopause because the hormones balance as the endocrine system function improves.
LeLife Force
Ingredients: blue tansy, caraway, clove bud, dill, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, hyssop, lemon, oregano, ravensara, rosemary, thyme
Affinity for: nervous system, immune system
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: One of the best places to apply this blend is along the spine. Other good places are all over the feet and on the thymus area of the chest.
Aromatic Considerations: LeLife Force should be diffused to strengthen the immune system and increase energy levels. It will also disinfect and purify the air, eliminating germs and bacteria.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeLife Force immediately raises the over-all frequency of the body, improving outlook and response to stress and trauma.
Physical Aspects: LeLife Force should be used following any illness or traumatic experience that has left one feeling weak, shaky, or on edge. This blend can make a big difference in the recovery period of accidents and illnesses. LeLife Force builds, strengthens, and protects the body because it is an immune and adrenal gland stimulant and toner. Use it with LeEndo Relief during the cold and flu season. You may avoid getting sick altogether, and, if you do catch something, the illness will have a shorter duration and recovery period.
For fever, dilute and apply along the spine. For bronchitis, use LeLife Force with LeAspire or LeBreezey applied to the chest. For an earache, put 1 drop of LeLife Force in carrier oil and put into the ear. In addition I like to put 2 or 3 drops of BBL tincture in the ear. BBL will numb the pain and cause any inflammation to dissipate through a multitude of small holes which heal quickly (instead of in one large rupture which is the way ears usually deal with inflammation).
Soaking your feet in very hot water to which 2 or 3 drops of LeLife Force has been added, can assist the body to detoxify, especially from environmental poisons and medications. The combination of immune stimulant properties and detoxifying capabilities make LeLife Force effective against allergies and other mild auto-immune dysfunctions.
LeGeranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
Ingredient In: LeAcknowledge, LeAngel, LeBeloved, LeBenediction, LeVisibility, LeCypernium, LeDiscernment, LeEndoRelief, LeEverlasting, LeGrateful Heart, LeHeartSong, LeLetting Go, LeLifeForce, LeMillenia, LeMoonlight, LeRevitalize, LeTomorrow, LeTranquility, LeUnity, LeVitality
Therapeutic Properties: astringent, diuretic, antiseptic, antidepressant, regenerative, tonic, anti-biotic, antispasmodic, anti-infective, hemostatic
Affinity For: Cellular structure, urinary tract, nerves, gallbladder, skin, liver, spleen meridian, solar plexus and heart chakras, yin energy
Resonance: Physical, emotional
Plant Family: Geraniaceae
Part Utilized: leaves
Aromatic Considerations: Geranium fosters positive thought patterns. It helps us to feel hope for the future and peace with today.
Application: Dilute and apply anywhere on the body.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Geranium is a very potent and aromatic oil. It is a good oil for people whose negative patterns need to be swept away in spite of their desire to hang on to them. Geranium helps one to release negative memories. It is a good oil for nervous fatigue where the body is exhausted but the mind just won’t let the body sit and rest. Geranium is a potent oil for those whose moods are up one minute and down the next. Geranium is a good choice for people whose drive and ambition interferes with sensitivity and spontaneous joy.
Physical Aspects: Geranium regenerates tissues and nerves. It is excellent for skin disorders and skin care, and is especially nice for the skin of expectant mothers. Along with the essential oil blend LeDeeper, geranium heals the sores of shingles. Geranium discharges toxins from the liver and dilates the bilary ducts, aiding liver, gallbladder, and kidney function. This oil can bring relief from gastric ulcers, diarrhea, jaundice, and kidney stones. Geranium is one of the best oils for circulation problems such as hemorrhoids, and is helpful in slowing down bleeding.
General Information: Geranium is a very versatile and important essential oil. It is among a handful of essential oils considered to be cool and moist energetically.
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)
Ingredient In: LeAcknowledge, LeBaby Me, LeBelieve, LeEverlasting, LeInner Peace, LeTranquility, LeTrust, LeTurmoil, LeUnity, LeVitality
Therapeutic Properties: antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, tonic, antiseptic, emollient, digestive and circulatory stimulant, hydrating
Affinity For: Cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, skin care, yin energy, bladder meridian, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra
Resonance: Physical
Plant Family: Graminae
Part Utilized: leaves
Aromatic Considerations: Rose (not palmarosa) is a very expensive and fragrant essential oil, but in a blend of oils, the aroma of rose can be overpowered by the other ingredients. The medicinal value is still there, but much of the aroma of the rose is lost. Palmarosa, when added to a blend which has rose as one of the ingredients, emphasizes the scent of roses. This vastly improves the bouquet of the blend. Palmarosa reduces stress and tension while relaxing tight muscles and lessening pain.
Application: Palmarosa, though a very mild essential oil, should still be diluted before applying to the body. A drop or two, however, may be worn, undiluted, as a perfume.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Sometimes, in an attempt to cover insecurities within ourselves or to cover past hurts, we hold onto to situations or people so tightly that they feel they must struggle to be free. Palmarosa helps us to embrace change and let go. Since we live in an ever changing world, there are many times when we must let go of the old way of doing and being in order to move forward and grow. If we are constantly ‘letting go and letting God’ direct our lives for our good, we will not just be changing, we will be growing toward the best we can be. Our success and happiness will be inevitable and assured. Palmarosa can help us enjoy being versatile and adaptable as we move through the changes that life always brings. This strength within oneself reduces stress and tension and eliminates the sort of nervous exhaustion that resisting life creates. If you have already exhausted yourself in the struggle against change, try palmarosa—or blends containing it—to balance ! and strengthen yourself. The lovely aroma of this essential oil promotes recovery and strengthens resolve. Those who believe that a plant’s shape and environment denote its medicinal value would say that the long stem of this aromatic grass waving with the breeze indicates flexibility and freedom of movement. This adaptability (going with the flow) is yin in nature. But palmarosa is firmly rooted in the earth, giving it both adaptability and a feeling of security. Palmarosa is suited for people who cannot abide change, the frequent absence of loved ones, or who frequently suffer from homesickness. This would be a good oil to try for children who get very upset when their mother must leave them for a few minutes.
Physical Aspects: Palmarosa is used in skin care regimens for all types of skin. This essential oil balances the production of sebum, making it effective for both oily and dry skin types. Palmarosa stimulates new cell growth, making it an effective oil in the treatment of scarring from acne or injury. Palmarosa seems to have a beneficial effect on thyroid hormones and acts as a uterine and vaginal tonic.
This essential oil acts against fungal infections, bacterial infections, and candida.
Cautions: Palmarosa is a very mild essential oil. There are no known contraindications for its use.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Ingredient In: LeCandila, LeMela Plus, LePurify, LeSimplicity
Therapeutic Properties: antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, immune stimulant, antibiotic, antiparasitic, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, decongestant, analgesic
Affinity For: Tissue and skin
Resonance: Physical, emotional
Plant Family: leaves
Aromatic Considerations: Tea tree is a very strong and pungent oil. It is very effective in killing air-borne bacteria.
Application: Tea tree should be diluted before applying to the skin except in the case of insect bites, where it is best applied neat.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: The aroma of tea tree can help us replace a victim mentality with a desire to understand why events and circumstances happen. Tea tree can be used to bring both tolerance and growth into our lives. Tea tree starts the process of spiritual and emotional cleansing. It can help us turn toward the positive and find refreshment for our spirit. The aroma of tea tree essential oil has the feel of a good friend who has come to help us ‘clean house’. The cleaning up and throwing out will be good for us and will be far less painful than we have imagined it would be.
Physical Aspects: Tea tree essential oil is effective against some of the nastiest microbes on the planet. Tea tree can prevent sepsis in wounds and it (or something else effective) should be used to treat wounds, boils, sores, cuts, insect bites, and stings. The only way to kill a virus is to weaken or rupture its protective shell—called a cyst. Tea tree oil has been shown effective in this capacity, which greatly shortens the duration of viral infections. Tea tree is also a mild tissue regenerator, making it a sensible choice for rashes, nail or skin fungal infections, wounds, cold sores, acne, athlete’s foot, ringworm, head lice, vaginal thrush (dilute very well here), and candida.
General Information: Tea tree has been in use as an antiseptic for centuries. It was used by soldiers and sailors in World War II in the treatment of tropical infections.