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Essential Oils for Essential Times

Saturday, January 28

Noon – 1:30 PM

Class Fee:  $10, includes hand-outs

Centerville, Utah

10% off all Butterfly Express oils when purchased at the class.

To register for the Essential Oils for Essential Times class, please call 801-292-7574.


Join Anissa Turley for a class on Essential Oils for Essential Times.

Essential oils have been used in both religion and medicine for thousands of years.  They contain the nutritive values and healing properties of plants in a very concentrated form.  When used with prudence, essential oils have the ability to improve the overall immune system; heal, nurture, and nourish the body, mind, and spirit; all while regenerating damaged tissue and bringing oxygen to deprived cells.

In this class, we’ll learn about the essential oils that we might want to include in our medicine chest or 72 hour kit…the “go to” oils in times of crisis.  Anissa will go in-depth on how, why, and when to use the oils in the Grab ‘N Go Emergency Kit, the Essentials Kit, and the 72 Hour Kit.

The Grab ‘N Go system was designed so that you could have portable, easy access to the essential oils you would need for emergency preparedness.   The essential oils in the Grab ‘N Go Emergency Kit were chosen so that, with this kit, you could have an oil for just about any situation that could occur.  These 19 oils are the work horses of the essential oil blends.  The convenience of having all these oils, in an easy to carry case, is priceless.  This case should be used as a spare, in addition to your normal oils.  You want these oils in their case, ready to go, in the event you may have to leave your home quickly – thus  the name, Grab ‘N Go.  The kit comes with information regarding each of the oils included.

The Essentials Kit was designed to be a mini, portable, first-aid kit.  These 9 oils are the “work horses” for some of the more common, acute symptoms which occur in our day to day lives.  With these oils you have anti-bacterial as well as anti-viral abilities, disinfecting properties, pain relief, respiratory aids, as well as calming, soothing, and aligning capabilities.  This kit provides an excellent starting ground for the beginner wanting to stock their medicine chest.

The 72 Hour Kit would be the beginnings of an emergency first aid kit.  The case leaves plenty of room for expansion.  The oils in this kit are the backbone of emergency first aid.  This kit could be considered a “bare-bones” Grab ‘N Go kit as you slowly build up your essential oils selection.  These oils were chosen because of the many things that they can do for us.

4 Specific Learning objectives:

  1. Basic principles of essential oils – how they do what they do
  2. Using essential oils to restore balance within the body.
  3. Methods of use when incorporating essential oils into everyday life.
  4. What essential oils to use for specific situations.

To register for the Essential Oils for Essential Times class, please call 801-292-7574.


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