Do you have questions about foot zoning? Have you been thinking about scheduling a session but you’re not sure what to expect? Maybe you’ve been getting foot zones for a while and have been telling your friends and family how great they are but they’re not sure what to think? Well, here’s your chance to have your questions answered!
Thursday, August 21st at 6:00, I will be teaching a FREE Introduction to Foot Zoning class in Centerville, Utah. I’ll be going over the History of Foot Zoning, explaining what foot zoning is, answering some common questions about foot zoning and foot zone sessions, and even showing you a few things you can do to help yourself with sinus issues and tension headaches.
So gather together all your questions, call all those friends and family members that you keep talking to about foot zoning, and join me Thursday, August 21st at 6:00. New clients attending this class will be able to schedule their first foot zone at a discounted rate of $35. Existing clients will get a gift for coming with a friend. Please call me at 801-292-7574 to reserve a space in this FREE class for you and your friends.