Are you curious about Foot Zone Therapy? Do you want to know more about this holistic modality that uses a signal system on the feet to balance, rejuvenate, and detoxify the body?
Would you like to learn a few signals and treatments that you can use on yourself and your family?
Then join me Thursday, March 13th for Introduction to Foot Zone Therapy, a fun, hands-on workshop!
Foot Zone Therapy is an advanced form of Reflexology that utilizes signals on the feet discovered and mapped by Dr. Charles Ersdal of Norway to help bring the body into balance. Thursday, March 13th, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, I’ll be teaching a FREE Introduction to Foot Zone Therapy workshop! We’ll discuss: The History of Foot Zone Therapy, What Foot Zone Therapy is, The Benefits of Foot Zone Therapy, and Some FAQ about the Foot Zone Technique. Then you’ll learn a few simple treatments that you can use to help yourself and your family!
Register for WorkshopThe workshop is free but space is limited so registration is required. Come learn more about Foot Zone Therapy in this fun, HANDS-ON, workshop!
Be prepared to touch feet (yours)!