Saturday, April 30
Noon – 4:00
$40, Pre-registration is required.
1035 North 500 East; Centerville, UT
I’m really getting excited about this course! We’ll start be going to the scriptures, specifically Doctrine & Covenants 89, to see exactly what the Lord has told us about the use of herbs. We’ll talk about various ways to use herbs, such as: teas, steams, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, and essential oils, and when to use a particular method. We’ll discuss 10 herbs that are EASY to grow in our yard and ways to use those specific herbs. And then we’ll return to the scriptures to talk about how the use of herbs points to the Savior.
There is definately something in this class for EVERYONE! You won’t want to miss it! 🙂 Please call 801-292-7574 to register.