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Health, Nutrition, and the Word of Wisdom; Part 3: Meats & Meat Alternatives

Title: Health, Nutrition, and the Word of Wisdom; Part 3: Meats & Meat Alternatives
Location: 1035 North 500 East; Centerville, UT 84014
Description: Health, Nutrition, and the Word of Wisdom

Class Fee: $40 / Class

During different dispensations of time, the Lord has provided nutritional guidelines. How well do you understand the instructions we have given for our day and our time? Which foods have been given a sacred calling to provide nutrition for man? What role do herbs play in our diet? When is the best time to eat cauliflower, carrots, apples, or figs and why? When has the Lord instructed us to eat meat, and why? What drink has the Lord specifically instructed us to drink?

In this 4 class Series, we’ll explore the Word of Wisdom and develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the instructions the Lord has provided for “the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days.” Then we’ll learn EASY ways to incorporate these instructions into our everyday lives and everyday meals.

Part 3: Meats & Meat Alternativies

We’ll start out in the scriptues, specifically Doctrine & Covenants 89, to see what the Lord tells us about eating meat, and exactly when, how and why we’re supposed to eat meat. We’ll talk about the benefits of meat protein over vegetable protein, amino acids, alternative sources of protein, and more! Then we’ll return to the scriptures to talk about how eating meat points to the Savior.

Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2011-07-16
End Time: 16:00