Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you recieve an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Special Limited Edition
Deliverance 1 oz.                Sale Price: $27.50
LeDeliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal combinations available. Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, strep throats, dental diseases and infections, cold sores, canker sores, cuts, any type of infections, athlete’s foot fungus, toe nail fungus, and infection from slivers. Apply faithfully undiluted to get rid of a wart (this takes a little time so be patient). Frequent and consistent use also strengthens the immune system. LeDeliverance is an expectorant and helps the lymph system to drain. This is a very effective oil. Everyone should have it on hand.
LeDeliverance can be used in so many ways, I am sure that I will not manage to list them all here. Some common methods of use are soak the family toothbrushes in LeDeliverance mixed with water, place a drop on your toothbrush at least one time per day, and place on a cotton ball or in an inhaler and carry with you, inhaling frequently, during the cold and flu season. A particularly effective way to fight a very virulent illness is to apply LeDeliverance alternately with LeLife Force. In the evening put one of these essential oils on the K1’s (accupressure points on the feet) and the other on the thymus. First thing in the morning, put the oils on again, then put them in opposite positions. If LeDeliverance was on the thymus area the night before, it should go on the feet in the morning. This method is very effective against really nasty stuff.
An excellent use for this blend is to diffuse it every day during the cold and flu season to eliminate air-borne bacteria and viruses.
Reconcilliation 10 ml         Full Price: $23.75    Sale Price: $20.19
Weightless 10 ml                Full Price: $16.00    Sale Price: $13.60
Whispering Hope 10 ml     Full Price: $27.00    Sale Price: $22.95
Grapefruit, Pink 10 ml        Full Price: $7.00      Sale Price: $5.95
Oregano Wild 10 ml            Full Price: $11.00    Sale Price: $9.35
Orange, Sweet 10ml           Full Price: $5.00      Sale Price: $4.25
Product Descriptions
Ingredients: anthopogon, rose, violet leaf, ylang ylang, vanilla
Affinity for: immune system, digestive system, ligaments, bones, liver, hair, skin, all four fire meridians, wood element (1st meridian), heart and crown chakras
Resonance: emotional, physical
Application: LeReconciliation makes a very nice perfume. It is excellent diffused, as a massage oil, or added to a bath.
Aromatic Considerations: The strength of LeReconciliation lies in helping us find perspective and peace by bringing us understanding and compassion. This empathy is like a warm blanket, covering ourselves and others.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeReconciliation can fill the deep well of loneliness we sometimes feel when our lives are being lived at a distance, physically or emotionally, from the home and heritage of our formative years. Sometimes we feel that who we have become is so different from who we were that our loved ones no longer have any idea who we are. We feel misunderstood, unappreciated, and isolated from those with whom we would like to share the depths of ourselves. The aroma of LeReconciliation helps us find peace with the past, joy in our relationships as they are today, and hope for the future of our connections to loved ones near to us or far away.
LeReconciliation is a marvelous oil for grief and loss, especially if there were hard feelings or trauma in the relationship at the time of the parting.
Physical Aspects: LeReconciliation is a good oil for skin care and massage. If there are any physical ailments with roots reaching into relationships, this blend should bring relief—both to the emotions and the physical imbalances.
Cautions: This is a very mild and pleasant oil. It has no contraindications.
Ingredients: basil, grapefruit, goldenrod, green pepper, lemon, lime, sage
Affinity for: digestive system, emotional balance
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: LeWeightless is pleasant diffused, where it will eliminate odors and kill bacteria while being enjoyed for its emotional properties. LeWeightless can be used in the bath; be careful to use only 2 or 3 drops. This is an excellent essential oil blend for a full body massage. Be sure to dilute well for use in a massage.
Aromatic Considerations: The aroma of LeWeightless is uplifting. It stimulates positive and creative thinking.
Emotional/Physical Aspects: This delightful blend is designed to function on both the physical and emotional planes, even more than usual for essential oils which all seem to do this to some extent. LeWeightless increases metabolism, especially fat burning, and helps to dissolve cellulite. Emotionally it lightens the weight of our own negativity which is so often the trigger for ‘binge’ eating or junk food consumption. LeWeightless is used in programs for eating disorders such as anorexia. LeWeightless relieves stress, but it takes a minute. If you can remember to reach for the LeWeightless when you are craving that chocolate bar, then exercise a little self-control for a moment or two, you may find that you move on to something else in your life and the chocolate loses its allure!! This blend also has an effect on the mind, helping it to function more clearly and quickly.
Whispering Hope
Ingredients: chamomile Roman, juniper, lemon, melissa blend, myrrh, spruce, ylang ylang
Affinity for: emotions, gallbladder meridian
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: LeWhispering Hope should be diluted and applied on the outer edges of the ears, on the chest, heart, temples, solar plexus, back of the neck, and wrists. It is also good in the bath, diluted and massaged over the feet or as a massage oil for the whole body. It would be a unique scent to wear as a perfume.
Aromatic Consideration: The aroma of this blend promotes feelings of peace, security, confidence, and optimism.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeWhispering Hope should be used to stimulate feelings of hope and a sense of potential and achievement if one has become discouraged. This essential oil blend can help us turn around feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. This is the most effective oil for suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful for feelings of frustration we may have at other peoples’ choices and the impossibility of ‘stepping in and doing it right for them’. LeWhispering Hope can help you find peace in just standing by their heart and praying for them.
There are many uses for this oil during a woman’s childbearing years. LeWhispering Hope can help when a young mother (or any one else, really) is feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It helps to create a more positive attitude and a sense of optimism. This blend can help a young woman understand and move past feelings of ambivalence or non-acceptance of a pregnanpregnancy. LeWeightless Hope is useful during certain stages of labor and delivery.
Grapefruit, pink (Citrus racemosa)
Ingredient In: LeEverlasting, LeHeart Song, LeMy-Graine, LeSego Lily, LeSunburst, LeWake-Up LeWeightless, LePurify
Therapeutic Properties: tonic, digestive, antiseptic, anti-infectious, restorative
Affinity For: urinary tract, lymphatic system, triple warmer meridian, spleen meridian, heart chakra
Resonance: physical, emotional, mental
Plant Family: Rutaceae
Part of Plant Used: fruit
Application: Grapefruit should be diluted and applied to the feet or to areas of the body needing to release emotions, cellulite, or both.
Aromatic Considerations: Grapefruit is uplifting to the mind and spirit. It is hard to be negative or anxious in the presence of this oil, because it promotes feelings of joy, confidence, and spontaneity. Grapefruit should be diffused or inhaled for performance stress or to cope with jet lag.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Grapefruit is a very joyous and positive essential oil. It can be a ray of bright light guiding us out of darkness and depression. Grapefruit is equally good for mental exhaustion and mental tension. Grapefruit seems to address the emotional issues of self-worth and discontent with one’s body that are so often a part of anorexia and other eating disorders.
The aroma of grapefruit is particularly suited to people who, when tense or under pressure, eat as a means of relieving stress or finding comfort. Often, the driving emotion is frustration because their too high expectations have not been met in some way. If they reacted to their frustration with anger or blame of themselves or others, a layer of guilt is added to the frustration. Grapefruit is used in treatment programs for drug withdrawal and to cope with the after-effects of drinking too many alcoholic beverages.
Physical Aspects: Grapefruit detoxifies the lymphatic system. This makes it a useful tonic for many body systems. It is specific for water retention and the dissolving of cellulite. Grapefruit aids with gallstones, water retention, kidney and liver disorders. Grapefruit, diluted in water, can be used as an astringent face wash for acne. Grapefruit can relieve a migraine headache and return the energy system to normal after long jet flights. Grapefruit is one of the best oils for premenstrual water retention and headache.
Cautions: Grapefruit is photo-toxic. You should avoid exposing areas of skin to which grapefruit has been applied to sunlight or UV rays for at least 12 hours.
Oregano, wild (Oreganum vulgare)
Ingredient In: LeDeliverance, LeLife Force, LeNoMore
Therapeutic Properties: anti-infective, antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic, stimulant, anti-aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, antiparasitic, expectorant, rubefacient, antifungal, immunostimulant
Affinity For: immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, sacral chakra
Resonance: physical
Plant Family: Labiatae
Part of plant used: leaves
Application: Be sure to dilute very well before applying to the feet or to the body.
Aromatic Considerations: Oregano is not pleasant diffused by itself. However, the antimicrobial properties can be pleasantly diffused into the air as part of a blended oil formula.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Oregano essential oil promotes a feeling of strength and stability.
Physical Aspects: Oregano, in either herbal or essential oil form, has strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Oregano essential oil balances metabolism, strengthens the vital centers of the body, and is an immune stimulant. In the respiratory tract, oregano is useful for treating chronic bronchitis, respiratory infections, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds, and flu.
General Information: Oregano is an extremely beneficial and effective oil which has received some attention from the media lately. Unfortunately, too many reporters and announcers do not know the difference between therapeutic grade essential oils and oils which have been diluted with carrier type oils. DO NOT follow their suggestions and use large quantities at once. 2 or 3 drops of a pure essential oil is always sufficient. This plant and species is harvested in the wild rather than cultivated for use. There are those who believe that wild-crafted oils (and herbals) are stronger and more medicinal than cultivated ones. I have found that growing conditions vary from place to place in both cultivated beds and in the wild. The differences in quality may have more to do with the conditions under which the harvested plants grew rather than whether or not the plant grew wild or was cultivated. In a Biblical sense, when man left Eden he was given dominion over the earth and expected to till, cultivate, and improve it somewhat. Good essential oil growers are careful to grow the most vital and therapeutic plants possible. Their livelihood and reputation depend on their ability to optimize the medicinal value of their products. Often, wildcrated oils are not up to the standards of loved and cared for (cultivated) plants. This particular wild oregano is an exception. It is a very nice oil.
Cautions: Oregano should be avoided or used very cautiously during pregnancy. This oil can cause extreme skin irritation if applied repeatedly without dilution. Oregano should be used with a little bit of caution when diffused.
Orange, sweet (Citrus sinensis)
Ingredient In: LeAngel, LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeBountiful, LeDiscernment, LeEternity, LeEverlasting, LeEZ Traveler, LeHeartSong, LeHoliday Spirit,LeInsight, LeMoonlight, LeSolitude, LeSunburst, LeTranquility, LeVisibility, LeVitality, LeWakeUp, LeWisdom
Therapeutic Properties: disinfectant, diuretic, calmative, anticoagulant, sedative, stomachic, cholagogue (encourages the production of bile and the digestion of fats), diuretic, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, depurative, anti-inflammatory.
Affinity For: digestive system, respiratory system, skin, wood element, sacral chakra, spleen meridian
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Rutaceae
Part of plant Used: fruit
Aromatic Considerations: Orange, sweet has a delightful fragrance. It promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. By itself, or as an ingredient in a essential oil blend, orange, sweet promotes restful sleep.
Application: The aroma of orange, sweet is an excellent remedy to alleviate nausea or morning sickness. It is sometimes helpful with these conditions to apply a drop or two of the oil behind the ears. Orange sweet oil can be diluted and applied anywhere on the body. It is also a lovely oil to diffuse in your home or workplace.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: The emotions of frustration and discouragement block the flow of energy to and from the liver. Any block in energy creates tension. The tension created by blocked energy in the liver results in moodiness, irritability, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and expecting more of ourselves and others than is reasonable. Orange sweet is an excellent oil for all of these conditions and emotions. Orange sweet essential oil brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart. It provides emotional support to overcome sadness and courage to escape emotional and physical abuse. This oil reestablishes optimism and a sense of humor when they have become lost through abuse or sadness. Orange sweet can make even the most mundane practical task flow along easily and enjoyably.
Physical Aspects: Orange sweet can relieve cardiac spasms and false angina that are the result of stress or depression. The nicer, lighter attitude produced by orange sweet oil improves overall immune function, aids respiration, increases lymphatic drainage, improves digestive function, and raises low blood sugar levels. Orange sweet is particularly effective when a complaint has anxiety, depression, or nerve weakness at its core. Orange sweet is one of the essential oils used in programs to treat eating disorders. The astringent properties of orange sweet oil improves a dull, oily complexion. It is of benefit in the treatment of wrinkles as it hydrates and strengthens the cells of the epidermis.
General Information: This is a very versatile and inexpensive essential oil. It works very well as a cleaner, removing sticky adhesive residue from most surfaces.
Cautions: This oil is very mild. Although orange sweet is a citrus, it is not considered photo-toxic.