Butterfly Express oils are 100% natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Except when stated, no carrier oil, i.e. coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc., has been added. The descriptions that follow detail the traditional use of these oils and are not meant to diagnose or prescribe in any way. Descriptions provided compliments of Butterfly Express.
Foot Zone clients will receive an additional 10% off any purchase of essential oil AND they will receive 15% off during the month of their birthday. 🙂
Sale prices are 15% off the regular price, but when you purchase all six oils, you receive an additional 5% off for a total of 20% off the regular price.
If you are interested in purchasing essential oils, please give me a call at 801-292-7574. 🙂
Believe 10 ml Full Price: $22.00 Sale Price: $18.70
Purify10 ml Full Price: $9.50 Sale Price: $8.29
Woman Wise 10 ml Full Price: $16.00 Sale Price: $13.60
Cedarwood 10 ml Full Price: $6.00 Sale Price: $5.10
Lemongrass 10 ml Full Price: $6.50 Sale Price: $5.52
Tarragon 10ml Full Price: $26.25 Sale Price: $22.31
Product Descriptions
Ingredients: copaiba balsam, frankincense, palmarosa, rose, rosewood, vanilla, ylang ylang
Affinity for: nervous system, emotions, cellular memory, all of the chakras, most of the meridians
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: LeBelieve is beautiful diffused, is nice worn as a perfume, and exceptional when used in the bath.
Aromatic Considerations: LeBelieve should be considered whenever there is a need to forgive and release emotions from the past that are holding one back in life. This oil aids in learning to love oneself and achieve a sense of inner peace.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: LeBelieve was created to release negative emotions and perceptions at the cellular level. This helps us to replace negativity with love, forgiveness, peace, and understanding. Working at the cellular level helps to make these changes permanent. Such changes brings us more confidence in ourselves. LeBelieve can help us see that we have the abilities we need and that we will be led to where we need to be at appropriate times in our lives. LeBelieve is a great oil to aid us in being more optimistic, more motivated, and more tenacious.
This blend can help us balance the need we feel to protect ourselves and be ready for anything that may come along, while providing us with a healthy trust in the future. We can feel confidence in our ability to thrive as we cope with the circumstances and situations of our lives. LeBelieve helps us to forgive ourselves for mistakes made in the past and returns our heart to a state of joyous anticipation for whatever experiences life may have in store for us next.
This blend seems to have the ability to help the dying accept death as the next phase of life, moving peacefully and calmly toward death when the time has come. LeBelieve can also be of benefit to those left behind in finding solace and relief from loneliness.
As LeBelieve helps us move into a more self-forgiving and self-confident state, we should feel more generous, cooperative, and compassionate towards others. We will also find contentment and inner strength. LeBelieve seems to have a beneficial effect on our intuition and out ability to act upon it.
Physical: LeBelieve can reach into the core of a cell and release traumas and negative emotions on a cellular level. This blend is also useful in energy corrections that reset cellular memory. When the cell reproduces itself through mitosis, it will begin to reproduce the original undamaged and untraumatized version of the cell instead of the cell in its traumatized.
Ingredients: citronella, grapefruit, lavender, lemongrass, tea tree, manuka
Affinity for: digestive system, skin, emotional stability
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: Diffuse to purify the air, kill germs, and remove odors.
Aromatic Considerations: LePurify purifies the air, neutralizes mildew, removes the smell of cigarette smoke and many other noxious odors when diffused in a room.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Some citrus oils and lavender, all of which are in this essential oil blend, are useful for anorexia and eating disorders because they moderate feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and self-loathing.
Physical Aspects: LePurify kills odors, bacteria, molds, and fungus. It is effective when applied to spider bites and insect stings and can be used for repelling bugs, insects, and mice. LePurify sometimes brings relief from toothaches and dental abscesses; at the very least, it may relieve the problem somewhat until a dentist can be reached.
LeWomen Wise
Ingredients: clary sage, fennel, goldenrod, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, patchouli, spikenard
Affinity for: emotional balance, hormones
Resonance: physical, emotional
Application: LeWoman Wise should be diluted in a carrier oil and massaged on the lower back and abdomen. It is helpful to layer with LeDeeper if severe cramping or abdominal pain is involved during the menstrual period. LeWoman Wise can also be applied to the feet and ankles, used in the bath, and diluted for a body massage oil.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: There are many emotions that go completely out of whack when our hormones are out of balance. This blend can be very helpful for any of those. Sometimes trying an essential oil and seeing what changes take place can help us recognize which behaviors are hormone driven and which ones are just bad habits.
Physical Aspects: LeWoman Wise was created to help balance the hormones of younger women.
It also brings a lot of relief from pre-menstrual and menstrual cramps and headaches.
It may also be effective for prostate problems in men, although LeBalance is usually a better choice for men and women approaching, or in, their menopausal years. This blend should be used all month long, not just when the PMS symptoms are at their worst. Doing this will keep the symptoms from occurring.
Cautions: This blend is not for use during pregnancy!!!
Cedarwood (Cedrus deodora)
Ingredient In: LeAngel, LeConnection, LeBelieve, LeAway, LeExhilaration, LeGoodNite, LeIQ, LeKadence, LeMoonlight, LeRefreshMint, LeSanctuary
Therapeutic Properties: antiseptic, tonic, antifungal, antiseborrheic, regenerative, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, stimulant to circulatory system but sedative to nervous system—this is a rare and powerful combination.
Affinity For: urinary tract, spleen, skin and scalp, lymphatic system, kidney meridian, spleen meridian, central vessel meridian, heart meridian, chakras and subtle bodies.
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Coniferae
Part of Plant Used: bark
Application: Dilute and apply to the feet or to the body.
Aromatic Considerations: Cedarwood is an excellent oil for meditation and clarity of mind. It reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. The aroma of cedarwood can help us realize when we are being self-righteous, rigid, or dogmatic in our opinions.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Cedarwood was used traditionally by the Indian tribes of America to enhance spiritual communication. Like all conifer oils, cedarwood enhances feelings of security and protection. It helps us to feel, and return, the love of heaven. The aroma of cedarwood calms anger and relieves nervous tension. It quiets the mind that is going over and over the same details, analyzing and then analyzing again. Steadiness, integrity, and emotional stability are some of the great gifts of cedarwood oil. Cedarwood strengthens the energy of the kidney meridian. Strength in this meridian gives us the will to stand firm when we have made a decision, even against persistent opposition. Cedarwood can give us strength in times of crisis as we stand strong, refusing to lose confidence or faith. This is an excellent oil to bolster us when we are going into strange or unfamiliar situations. Cedarwood oil has been shown effective in the treatment of ADHD because it stabilizes beta/theta waves.
Physical Aspects: Because it is mucolytic (dissolves mucous), cedarwood is useful for chest infections, asthma, and coughs. It it also soothing and healing to the skin, and especially, to the scalp. Cedarwood is often used for dandruff, hair loss, and psoriasis. Cedarwood encourages lymphatic drainage and stimulates the breakdown of fat in the tissues. Mildly diuretic, cedarwood is used for cellulite and water retention. Decongestant, astringent, and anti-infective, cedarwood is useful for respiratory and urinary tract infections. Cedarwood is of benefit in any physical complaint where the underlying condition is coldness and dampness, physically or energetically. The wood of the cedar tree is valued for making cabinets and storage chests because the aroma of the wood repels moths and other insects. Because its odor and taste are pleasant, cedarwood is valued as an insect repellent to be used around spices and other food items.
General Information: Cedarwood oil is very powerful at breaking up catarrh. This action of cedarwood oil is a fine example of the connections between the physical body and the more subtle (or energy) aspects of our systems. Just as surely as cedarwood will break up catarrh and phlegm in the physical body, it will remove the congestion and clutter that is clogging our minds and spirits.
Cautions: Cedarwood should be avoided by pregnant women.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)
Ingredient In: LeDeeper, LeEnergy, LeInside-Out, LePurify, LeRefresh-Mint, LeSunburst, LeTenda Care, LeTomorrow, LeWake-Up
Therapeutic Properties: astringent, tonic, calmative, antiseptic, anti-infectious, diuretic, digestive, anti-parasitic, depurative, nervine
Affinity For: kidney, bladder, lymphatic system, vascular system, circulation, parasympathetic nervous system, solar plexus chakra, spleen meridian
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Graminae
Part of plant used: leaves
Application: Dilute and apply to the feet or to any area of the body that is causing concern.
Aromatic Considerations: Lemongrass has a woodsy but light fragrance which has an uplifting effect on mind, mood, and attitude.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: The aroma of lemongrass awakens curiosity. It encourages us to go outside our usual boundaries and comfort zones. Lemongrass should be used to cleanse your energy system when you have been in negative situations or around negative people. Lemongrass can give us energy and reawakens compassion following emotional overload or collapse.
Physical Aspects: Lemongrass improves circulation, regenerates connective tissue, and repairs ligaments. Lemongrass is used for acne and for dissolving cellulite during weight loss programs. Lemongrass repairs the parasympathetic nervous system and improves eyesight. It is useful in bladder and kidney disorders and for healing varicose veins. Two of the greatest benefits of lemongrass is that it improves lymphatic drainage and gets oxygen flowing throughout the body. Lemongrass is one of the best oils for disinfecting and purifying around the house.
Cautions: Overuse of lemongrass can cause extreme skin irritation.
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Ingredient In: LeEverlasting, LeInsideOut
Therapeutic Properties: antiarthritic, digestive, cholagogue, emmenagogue, menstrual regulator, stimulant, vermifuge, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, diuretic, laxative, neuromuscular sedative
Affinity For: digestive system, lymphatic system, nervous system, urinary tract, autonomic nervous system
Resonance: physical, emotional
Plant Family: Compositae
Part of plant Used: leaves
Aromatic Considerations: Tarragon is especially nice when diffused with marjoram. Tarragon can soothe emotions and bring relief from grief, anger, and shock
Application: Tarragon should be diluted well before applying to the skin of the body or the feet.
Emotional/Spiritual Aspects: Tarragon helps us to draw in the energy of life that is all around us. It fosters more than just the desire for health or the will to live; it inspires us to seek for, and find, energy enough (and some to spare) for us to accomplish all that we desire.
Physical Aspects: Tarragon aids digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive acids and bile into the stomach. This increases the appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Tarragon also increases the peristaltic motion of the intestines, eliminating bouts of constipation. Tarragon acts to increase circulation, liquefy and drain lymphatic mucous. Tarragon’s antiseptic properties have a special affinity for urinary tract infections. Stubborn infections in weeping wounds often respond to washing with a very dilute solution of tarragon essential oil. Tarragon stimulates and balances the autonomic nervous system which is responsible for such things as the heartbeat, the function of the kidneys, and the flow of hormones.
Cautions: Depending on conditions at the time of harvest, tarragon essential oil can have quite a high concentration of methyl chavicol, which can be toxic taken internally and irritating externally. Use of tarragon as a single oil should be avoided; at the very least, extreme care and caution should be used. Tarragon should be avoided if you are pregnant.