There have been lots of exciting things happening this past month. If you were able to attend the Clay Class last Saturday, then you know all the wonderfully amazing things that Redmond Clay can do for you. If you weren’t able to attend, you can check out the Redmond Clay page of my website.
You might also notice some other changes to my site. The Education Page has been updated, and I added a page on Raw Milk. The more I learn about raw milk from pastured cows the more amazed and impressed I am at how simple good health can be! Heavenly Father sure has given us more than enough tools to keep our bodies health – from kefir, to clay, to raw milk, to herbs, to essential oils, the list goes on, but each of these things are designed to bring our bodies into balance.
Speaking of kefir, the Yogurt, Kefir and Fermented Foods class is this Saturday. If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time, just give me a call at 801-292-7574. All class participants will have the opportunity to purchase an Excalibur food dehydrator has a really good price! Class prices are lower than you’ll find anywhere else and are not available on any website! One more great reason to attend one of my classes! 🙂
Here’s my newsletter, if you have any questions about anything in the newsletter, please let me know. Also, please pay special attention to two classes being held this month by a couple of my dear friends. Sue Naoll is holding her Energy Connection class and Kim Watts is having her Synergetic Cleansing & Health class. Both of these are really good classes to learn more about energy work and energy healing using two different modalities.