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Principles of Healing

By October 26, 2010September 26th, 2018No Comments

Title: Principles of Healing
Location: 1035 North 500 East; Centerville, UT 84014
Description: $25
Instructor: Cliff Dunston

This “hands on” class will teach the principles of healing on a physical and emotional level. Cliff will teach: what to do in an emergency situation (burns, cuts, broken bones, etc.); how to increase IQ, short-term, and long-term memory; basics of nutrition and how to prevent disease; how to get rid of fungus and mold in the blood, viruses in the tissues, and parasites without causing harmful side effects in the body. He’ll show what to do to stimulate the release of the white cells from the lymph nodes to reverse cancer, how to stop a heart attack, and discuss the amazing disappearing thymus gland. He’ll teach some of the ways to increase energy in the healing process so it goes quicker, not only for physical but emotional issues. He’ll explain how priesthood power from the Savior, the Holy Spirit, and our Father in Heaven is connected to healing, and much, much more!

Start Time: 9:00
Date: 2010-11-06
End Time: 16:00

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