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Finally!  For years whenever friends, neighbors, or clients would ask me about energy classes, I’d always recommend Sue Noall’s The Energy Connection.  Why?  Because her technique works!  Not only is it simple and easy, it’s effective!

Well, good news, Sue has agreed to come to Centerville to teach her class!  So mark your calendars🙂

Date:  Friday & Saturday, May 10 – 11

Time:  9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Location:  Centerville, Utah

Cost:  $250

To Register:  Call 801-292-7574

Class Description:  I have been involved in Foot Zoning for nearly 15 years.  As time passed I became more and more aware of the important role energy plays in our lives and how it affects us daily.  Because of this, I realized the need to learn more about it and understand how to use it, not only to help myself but to help others.  As I began studying and learning more about energy and the various types and techniques, one thing became apparent to me – each modality had the possibility for great change and yet they all had one thing in common – energy is blocked within us for some reason and until it is released the body will remain in a state of imbalance.

The Energy Connection is a combination of different techniques and modalities that I’ve been trained in but applied in a manner that works for me and my beliefs.  I have found that anyone is able to use this technique with just a few days of training.

This fun-filled, hands on, self improving week-end will not only benefit you but the ones you love the most.  We’ll start by learning what energy is, then we’ll learn techniques to balance ourselves and also how to balance others.

By learning these simple and quick techniques, then “getting out of the way”, you will be able to change the blocked energy and move forward – no longer being governed by old programs and false foundations, some we may not even be fully aware of.  As balance is restored, the changes are felt throughout every aspect of your life:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Energy is all around us and even within us.  To learn how to use that energy to improve your life and the lives of others, join me for The Energy Connection.


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