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After the events in Connecticut, I think all of us are asking ourselves, “What can we do to stop this?”  Of course it’s easy to insist on stronger gun restrictions.  But if making something illegal would keep it off the street then there wouldn’t be heroin or meth on the streets.  Pointing the finger at guns and saying gun control is the answer may prevent us from taking a long, hard look at what the real problem might be in America.  In the following articles, documentaries, and video clips, the doctors make some very good points that if we ignore will prevent us from making real improvement.

The changes being suggested will be hard.  Companies will lose money.  People will lose jobs.  Big Pharma will object.  Monsanto will deny.  But maybe, just maybe if we look at the possibility that this is something more than a gun control issue, we might just find a real solution.


1.  WebsiteListing of events and the corresponding medication being taken.

2.  “Did you see these kinds of incidents in the 1960’s or pre-1960?  Was anybody shooting up their classroom?  There were guns.  We didn’t have as many gun control laws as we do now.  No, we didn’t.  So what’s different?  The psychotropic drugs.  That’s what’s different.”  Beverly Eakman, Ph.D.


3.  “The Eli Willey Corporation pharmaceutical company, for nearly 15 years covered up their own internal investigation that showed that anyone on Prozac is 12 times more likely to attempt suicide than those using other anti-depressants.”  Michael Moore


4.  “A child is liable to be diagnosed ADHD if he or she steps out of line, speaks out of turn, in short, just about any sort of disorderly conduct would beget on the part of the teacher a suspicion of ADHD or might even lead to that teacher making such a diagnosis.”  Fred Baugman, MD

“Just describing a behavior is not getting necessarily to the underlying cause of what the problem is.  I see children that are brought in here by their parents, I’ll give you an example, I have an attorney who brought her 5-year old daughter in here to be seen by me who was told that she had hyperactivity and attention deficit and it turned out that this child had allergies to certain foods and when these allergies in the foods and also the environment were handled the symptoms went totally away.”  Robert Erickson, MD

“Approximately 10% of boys from ages 6 through 12 are taking psychotropic medication.”  Robert Erickson, MD


5.   “Let them choose their own label.”


6.  Excerpt from Taming the Yeastie Beasties by Amy Jones.  Please follow link for full list and complete article.

Stage 1

In the First Stage of Candida, the mucous membrane areas of the body may be infected. These include the mouth, vagina, nose, and Respiratory System.

Symptoms of First Stage Candida

  • Infant Colic, childhood rages, adult unexplained unprovoked anger
  • Allergies to foods, dust, molds, fungus, yeast, inhalants, and chemicals
  • Cravings for sugar
  • Rectal itching

Stage 2

The Second Stage of Candida may involve more generalized and chronic reactions.

Symptoms of Second Stage Candida:

  • Ear infections, unexplained ear discharge, tinitis (ringing of the ears)
  • Headaches (including Migraine)
  • Infant or adult reflux
  • Casein or gluten intolerance / celiac

Stage 3

The Third Stage of Candida may involve MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES:

Symptoms of Third Stage Candida:

  • Inability to concentrate
  • Not being able to read or follow a television program or carry on a hobby
  • Serious forgetfulness
  • Memory loss
  • Mental confusion
  • Not being able to think of the words to say something
  • Switching around of words and letters when trying to speak and/or write
  • Loss of previous skills (such as how to type or how to play the piano, etc.
  • Irrational thoughts
  • Unusual fears
  • Phobias
  • Panic / anxiety attacks
  • Muscle twitching
  • Irritability
  • Violence
  • Depression
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Stage 4

A person in the Fourth Stage of Candida (also known as systemic yeast) may experience a virtual SHUTDOWN OF VARIOUS ORGAN SYSTEMS of the body.

Symptoms of Fourth Stage Candida:

    • Adrenal gland failure
    • Endocrine System failure
    • ADD / ADHD
    • Autism

7.  ArticleAmino Acid Nutrition Therapy chart. Amino acids have been used successfully to alleviate the symptoms of depression and rage, and have been used in the treatment of drug addiction.

8.  ArticleI am Adam Lanza’s Mother

9.  “You can’t drug healthy bodys, and make them unhealthy in so many ways, and expect those individuals to grow up to be functional, creative persons in society.”


10.  Interview with Robert Whitaker, author, Anatomy of An Epidemic

11.  Nutrition & Behavior.  In this lecture, Dr. Russell Blaylock explains one of the most important connections between nutrition and our health, how nutrition affects our behavior, and the detrimental effects of excitotoxins Aspartame and MSG.


This post was shared on Wildcrafting Wednesday’s 100th Edition!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Susan says:

    Sure wish that you had not included Michael Moore in this…sigh. Yes, I think we are over-medicating and under-disciplining our kids. All the touchy-feely, giving a trophy to a kid for breathing, crap that they are eating is to play in this.

    Gun control worked in this case. He tried to buy a weapon and couldn’t. He ended up murdering and stealing to get what he wanted. These are not the actions of a normal human. Why are we A) ignoring mental illness and, B) Evil? Evil exists on this planet and there are no excuses or reasons for some of it. And I’m okay with the knowledge that staff at my kids’ school have a few CCWs in their midst.

    • I know, I don’t care for Michael Moore either, but in this particular clip I liked that he included the information that Prozac intentionally withheld information on the dangers for 15 years!

      The real issue though goes much deeper than mental illness. Keep reading and keep watching the clips, documentaries, and articles AFTER the 2 minute Michael Moore clip.

  • Sharon Steimle says:

    Every time we take a series of antibiotics, our bodies must struggle to regain a normal probiotic culture.