The Hormonal Symphony: A Whole Body View of the Endocrine System
A Free Webinar with Bev Maya, RH (AHG)
September 12, 2012
7:00 PM EST
Reproductive challenges such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and peri-menopause come in many different packages. No two people seem to experience the same combination of symptoms. Additional hormonal aberrations are common during this transition and may compound the picture. Common symptoms may include but are not limited to forgetfulness, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, restless legs, heavy or erratic periods, sore breast, hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, bowel habit changes and fluid retention. And the list goes on!
When treating women who experience acute and severe PMS and menopausal symptoms, the temptation to focus only on the normalization of reproductive hormones with natural remedies or bio-identical hormones is great. However, in many women, this approach does not lead to the resolution of their symptoms long term.
Reproductive hormone imbalance is a harbinger of global hormonal dysfunction. Since the body is an integrated organism, continual dialogue between all endocrine organs (adrenals, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, and ovaries) determine a women’s sense of well-being. The endocrine system also networks with the nervous and immune systems while being nurtured and cleansed by the primary elimination organs (liver, kidney and digestive tract) to complete the orchestra of life.
In this class Bev Maya will provide a detailed description and discussion of the intricate endocrine connections between adrenals, thyroid & parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries & testes. The key discussion will include how endocrine dysfunction in a specific organ is causes dysfunction in the others. Clinical pearls for treatment specific to menopause will be discussed.
Back in university, Bev earned a reputation as a tenacious inquisitive driven to make sense of nature through scientific endeavours. This reputation has withstood the test of time. Today, as a practicing Medical Herbalist and international speaker at medical conferences and colleges, Bev focuses on demystifying menopause for patients that don’t respond to traditional medicine.
Bev’s unique background informs her deep investigative approach. Her science studies led her to work in fundamental research, pharmaceuticals, anaesthesia, oncology, urology, transplantation and neurology for twelve years before training as a Medical Herbalist and opening her own clinic. This unique blend of education and experience provided her with a rare ability to study the intricacies of our nervous, endocrine and digestive systems for physiological, emotional and spiritual root causes to medical concerns associated with the menopausal process, some of them deep seated and lifelong.
Bev’s inquiring personality (encouraged by both parents being teachers) has lent itself to her style, as a generous and passionate speaker particularly adept at empowering her audience to deconstruct complex ideas into their simplest form and apply this learning in the context of their own medical practices.
To learn more about Bev, visit