Mango Sorbet NutritionRecipes Mango Sorbet After ordering a case of organic mangos from the Bountiful Baskets Food Co-Op, it wasn't…Katherine AtkinsonAugust 11, 2011
Chia Seeds NutritionRecipes Chia Seeds Although many of us will remember chia seeds from the 1970's chia pets, chia seeds…Katherine AtkinsonJuly 23, 2011
Lovely Lavender Herbal InformationRecipes Lovely Lavender The lavender in my yard is in full bloom and I've begun to harvest and…Katherine AtkinsonJuly 5, 2011
Quinoa Salad NutritionRecipes Quinoa Salad Although technically a seed, quinoa can be used like other whole grains such as rice…Katherine AtkinsonJune 17, 2011
Milk Kefir Cheese NutritionRecipesWAPF Milk Kefir Cheese I've been wanting to make cheese using my milk kefir since I picked up my…Katherine AtkinsonFebruary 22, 2011
Ginger Ale NutritionRecipesWAPF Ginger Ale Just finished making, tasting :), and bottling some home made ginger ale using water kefir…Katherine AtkinsonFebruary 18, 2011