Registration for the 2025 Fall Semester is open and as an instructor for We Do Feet Seminars, I couldn’t be more excited to help you on your journey!
Take a look at our curriculum or talk with one of our students and you’ll soon discover that We Do Feet is different than other Foot Zone Training Programs. While other programs require advanced courses and additional training to complete your education, our belief is that if you are going to go through the time and expense to learn this modality your training should:
- Be very complete and detailed,
- Give you all the education you need to practice this modality, and
- Give you a clear understanding of what you are feeling as you work the feet.
Our course does just that!
We Do Feet offers our students the most comprehensive curriculum in the country, dedicated instructors, more opportunities for Continuing Education than any other training program, and the convenience of online learning.
Our goal as instructors is to help you become the best Foot Zone Practitioner you can be! I hope you’ll take a moment to Discover the ‘We Do Feet’ Difference! You’ll be glad you did.
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Discover the ‘We Do Feet’ Difference
Our Commitment to our Students doesn’t end with graduation! We Do Feet offers more opportunities for Continuing Education than any other training program in the country. Between online forums, in-class opportunities, and instructor publications you’ll always be up-to-date in the latest treatments.
Class Schedule & Fees
Our Certification Course consists of over 150 hours of in-class instruction taught over nine seminars. We meet once a month for 9 months with a final graduation during Class 9. Class will be held on Friday & Saturday from 9 AM – 6 PM to accommodate work schedules and childcare.
See What Students Are Saying
“In my massage practice, I’ve specialized in reflexology for 15 years. I’ve always believed in its benefits – I know it works. That’s why I was intrigued when I heard about foot zoning. I finally had a chance to experience a foot zone and I was very impressed at how much more thorough the treatment seemed to be than what I had learned with reflexology. After questioning the owner of the school where this zoner had graduated, I was satisfied that foot zoning would be a good addition to my bag of bodywork tools.
When I perform a foot zone on a client, I know that they are now getting the best I have to offer. This is good work.
During the course, I met wonderful people; dedicated teachers, and committed students. I have already seen this work change the lives of my fellow students and can hardly wait to experience the changes this will bring to people who come to me for zoning.”
Janet Ollman Blackmer, LMT
“I thoroughly enjoyed taking the 9-month Foot Zone Course. Through this new and fascinating journey, I learned about the modality and how our feet are maps of our body. And when we manipulate the feet by activating the energy signals with specific and precise moves our bodies will heal and repair. I am now seeing the benefits myself as I zone others. From our anatomy studies I am now very familiar with the body systems, locations and its functions. The class also introduced and taught me about essential oils, tinctures, healing music, herbs, healthier food, lifestyle choices, and much more. I met wonderful and talented women who I consider my friends. I can honestly say that my life has been changed for the best. I plan to continue down this healing path and learn as much as I can so that I will be able to help and bless the lives of others.”
Julia Milburn
“The ability to serve others by the foot zone technique is a great blessing to me. I began this journey on faith. The Spirit would not leave me alone until I accepted the challenge to learn to foot zone. I am beginning to see real results. Pain relief, relaxation, emotional release and detoxification are some of the benefits reported to me after friends and referrals have given me the opportunity to zone their feet.
I appreciate that the zone is a definite pattern and method but is an energy work modality. The tangible benefit of the zone and the opportunity to bring relief, relaxation, and healing to my brothers and sisters on this earthly journey is a joy. The zone works. It is real and powerful and just plain fun. The journey to certify is worth the time, sweat, stress, and dollars that are required. The benefits are great friends and increased confidence.”
Ranee Wheatley
“Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by reflexology. So when Kathy asked if I wanted to take the foot zoning classes, it was a no-brainer. My only reservation was the cost of the class. But when something is right, it works out and it was right for me. I loved the class and getting to know all of my wonderful classmates! I particularly enjoyed the many different perspectives that Kathy brought to the class by inviting guest speakers with backgrounds in various types of natural healing modalities.
I have also enjoyed seeing the effects of the zone. After just the first class, while practicing the zone on several different people, I was able to see how the zone was benefiting the people I loved. I was able to help a friend whose daughter has chronic constipation, my sister who has multiple sclerosis, and another friend with adrenal fatigue. I saw the zone relieve headaches and reduce symptoms of neuropathy and poor circulation, and that was only after the 4th month of class! I am really excited to see what other places this journey will take me on as I plan to continue learning more modalities of natural healing and energy work.”
Anji Sandage
“I am so grateful I decided to take Foot Zoning classes because as I bless others with my gifts – the zone continues to bless me. My neck pain I’ve suffered with for years has finally lifted. I feel more in tune with who I am as well as who others are and what my relationships with people really mean. Being able to decipher which relationships are healthy and which ones I can let go of. I realize my purpose in life is to help others progress towards health, feeling better, and inspiring others to go after their dreams and desires.
My zone class has been special. I love that it is small and intimate and we all connect with one another. Thank you for a wonderful instructor, and a big thank you to my dad for supporting me and encouraging me to be on this journey!”
Monika Holzer
“I have seen how much good the zone has to offer people. It has become such a powerful tool in helping people recognize things – correct thought patterns – improve energy – decrease anxiety, and release emotion that has been causing chronic pain.
It has also slowly been changing the atmosphere in our home. Our teenage son has been more likely to engage in voluntary conversation, which is a BIG step for him.
I love the zone and am so glad that I took the opportunity and even made the sacrifices to take this course. I thoroughly enjoyed the classes, loved getting to know my classmates, and Kathy is a wonderful instructor with a warm and giving spirit who was well-prepared and added variety to the course by bringing in guest speakers.”
Denise Merrell
“Zone class has helped me focus on my own health and improvements I could make i my own life.;
I feel happier, more balanced, more at peace. I love that I can help my family, friends, and others to feel stronger and healthier. This is an amazing journey, and my life will continue to get better and better.
I’ve always wanted to help others and now I have found my path. Thank you!”
JaNise Hughes
“Foot Zoning helps me stay balanced. This course has opened a door to a new world of taking responsibility for my own health and happiness; my relationships with family, friends, and my Heavenly Father have grown. Zoning others and helping them find balance and wholeness has energized me. I am moving beyond challenges that have plagued me for years.
This class has helped me learn how to thrive!”
Cydnie Wright
“Foot Zone classes have helped me as a person to be more in touch with myself and how my energy affects others. There is not just one class that stands out but all have had an impact on my life that will now be part of who I am and will become.
The friendships and learning together have been priceless. Kathy is easy to talk to and to learn from. I am very happy that I followed the promptings of the Holy Spirit to pursue this venture.”
Mary Beth Michael
“I was super nervous to start Zoning Classes. I didn’t feel like the timing was right because of money and personal problems. The truth is, its been a great distraction and learning experience. I’m gaining so much from this class. The ladies in my class are a blast and so is Kathy. Our meetings with Brad are unforgettable. He is one of a kind! To learn from him and Kathy is a gift! They both love what they’re doing and it shows every time you come to class.
The past six months have not been easy. Every time I have excuses not to come, but once I’m here the made-up excuses fade away and I’m always on a spiritual-emotional high when I leave class.”
Carly Jenkins
“Foot Zone Classes have helped me to not only learn to love myself, but believe that I am exceptional and worthy (which is more than enough) but I have also found a place where I feel connected and cared about and cherished. If you weren’t even the slightest bit interested in foot zoning, I would still tell you to take the classes because you learn so much about yourself on every level – emotionally, physically, spiritually – and you also do it in a loving environment.”
Shayla Marchant
“When I started taking Foot Zoning Class my energy started shifting to a higher level. My life has drastically improved during the time that I have been taking class. I am more faithful to God, more loving of my spouse, more patient with my kids, and much more happy with everyday life.
My circumstances in life have improved at the same time. My husband is making a lot more money and is happier at work. Old friendships are being renewed on a regular basis. My health has drastically improved. My mental clarity and emotional stability have improved.
These major shifts would not have been possible without this Foot Zoning Class and the tools and gifts I have gained through taking this class.
Now that I am learning the Foot Zone Technique, I have been able to help other people. I have seen wonderful and amazing things happen to the people I have been able to zone. I am so grateful to have this tool that I can now share with the world.”
Louise McCleve
“I am so blessed to be taking Foot Zoning Classes. I’m zoning feet because it saves lives – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Foot Zoning has changed my life for the better.
I am more healthy because I’ve applied the knowledge of forgiveness. I’m applying the knowledge of nutrition to my daily eating. I’m exercising my mind with scriptures and inspiration as I exercise my body.
I’ve re-learned and am now applying how to let go of things that don’t matter in the long run. My relationship with my husband is more open, honest, and sincere.
I love foot zoning, this is a great way to remember God daily!
I have made great friends, and my teacher is awesome!”
Gloria Richards
“I am so grateful that I decided to take Foot Zoning Classes because it has helped me in so many ways.
I have learned about the body, health, nutrition, oils, ways of coping with stress, etc. Also, I am so happy when I am able to help others in their own lives with health issues and concerns they may be having.
I have come closer to neighbors and extended family as I have spent time with them – and I am grateful for those improved relationships.
I’m glad to have a new skill and knowledge that will help my family and friends for years to come.
I have learned from everyone in this class and am grateful for their examples and friendships.”
Michal Davis
I absolutely LOVED learning about foot zone therapy and especially enjoyed Kathy’s classes. I feel like we got a well-rounded foundation of health, nutrition, energy work, and foot zone therapy, and would recommend her classes to everyone! In addition to the foot zone instruction, I especially loved learning about how music helps us heal, and walking around and enjoying Kathy’s beautiful herb garden!
Kari Smedley
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For Additional Information
Please feel free to contact me directly, either by phone or by email.
Katherine Atkinson
(801) 292-7574
“Our goal as instructors is to help each student become the very best Foot Zone Practitioner they can be.”
Brad Noall, Owner, We Do Feet Seminars