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January 28

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Instructors:  Anissa Turley & Katherine Atkinson

Class Fee:  $25; includes handouts, recipes, and tasting table


Juicing & Wheatgrass. Eating fruits and vegetables is a great way to provide your family with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, living enzymes, and phytonutrients.  Wheatgrass adds a boost to the nutrient content of your juice.  But how do you get your family them to eat them?  In this class you’ll learn about the health benefits of juicing and wheatgrass and how to incorporate it into your daily life as well as how to grow wheatgrass.  You’ll leave armed with the resources and know-how to help build your family’s health in a way that everyone will enjoy because it tastes good!

4 Specific Learning Objectives:

  1. The health benefits of juicing – why would I want to juice
  2. Different types of juicers and how to pick the best one for your family.
  3. Why would I want to juice wheatgrass, where do I get it, and how do I grow it?
  4. What else can I juice and will my family drink it?


Sprouting & Soaking. Sprouting grains, nuts, and seeds increases vitamin content, neutralizes phytic acid and neutralizes enzyme inhibitors.  Soaking grains allows enzymes and helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid and also pre-digests glulten and other difficult-to-digest proteins, breaking them down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.  Soaked and sprouted grains should be a regular feature of our diet, and they can be used in numerous ways.  In this class we’ll go over the whys and hows and let you taste as well.

4 Specific Learning Objectives:

  1. Health benefits of sprouting & soaking – why would I want to sprout or soak.
  2. What should I sprout and what should I soak?
  3. How do I do it and how do I find the time?
  4. How do I get my family to eat it?

Pre-registration is required.  Please call 801-292-7574 to register for this class.

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