As Einstein explained, everything is energy. Everything, including our body and the cells of our body, is composed of molecules vibrating at varying rates or frequencies. When energy is exposed to other energy – words, thoughts, music, colors, people, food, plants, stones, essential oils, etc. – it responds. This response creates reactions in our body. These reactions are the premise behind lie detector tests. There are actual physical responses that occur within our body when exposed to energetic frequencies.
Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, the inventor of the pendulum clock, introduced the concept of entrainment in 1666 after he noticed that the pendulums of two clocks mounted on a common board had synchronized, and subsequent experiments duplicated this phenomenon. Such mode locking is important for many biological systems including pacemakers.
Dr. Raymond Rife discovered that resonance and vibration could destroy disease and heal diseased cells. He co-coordinated resonance (or vibration) which would destroy carcinogens and bacteria through phase cancellation.
Phase cancellation occurs when two signals of the same frequency are out of phase with each other resulting in a reduction in the overall level of the combined signal. If two identical signals are 100% or 180 degrees out of phase they will completely cancel one another if combined.
Is it these concepts of entrainment and phase cancellation that help explain how things like music, crystals, and essential oils can help harmonize emotional and physical imbalances in the body.
Since body parts and organs have a frequency that becomes distorted as the result of distress or disease, bringing something, like a crystal, into the energetic field will help bring that body part or organ back into balance because of entrainment and phase cancellation.
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