Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt nutrition education foundation. Read our mission statement. . . Become a member and receive our lively and informative quarterly journal. Click here for a message from Sally Fallon Morell. Read our Dietary Guidelines here.
Please show your support of food freedom by becoming a member of the Weston A Price Foundation.
WAPF Members Receive:
- Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts – a lively quarterly journal with cutting-edge articles on current scientific research, human diets, pasture-based agriculture, holistic therapies, legislative updates, legal issues, as well as sources of nutrient-dense foods.
- Annual one-of-a-kind Shopping Guide.
- Discount tuition to the annual Wise Traditions International Conference – the nation’s premier conference on diet and health.
- Timely Email Information and Action Alerts.
WAPF Members Support:
- Over 500 Local Chapters to help you obtain nutrient-dense foods locally.
- Campaign for Real Milk and RealMilk.com to help you locate raw milk.
- Soy alert! a campaign to eliminate this toxic food from our diet.
- Public Outreach and Education at over 100 events each year.
Membership Fee:
- $40/year U.S.
- $50/year International
- $25/year for seniors, students, disabled, or unemployed
Join today online at Weston A Price Foundation,