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Bell Organic Gardens CSA Sign-Up

By February 18, 2011No Comments

Earlier I told you about Bell Organic Gardens, a Certified Organic CSA.  I have worked with Jill Bell and arranged a drop off point at my home in Centerville.  Pick up will be Monday afternoons from 3-6.  If you are interested in participating in this CSA and getting FRESH (as in picked that morning), ORGANIC, UTAH GROWN produce every week, please go to their web site and sign up.  You should be able to choose the Centerville location beginning on Wednesday, February 23.  (If you want to sign up before then, choose the Salt Lake site and in the comments section request the Centerville pick up site.)

They usually fill up by May so the sooner you sign up the better.  Also, Spring deliveries start in May, so if you want the Spring produce you should be sure to sign up soon.  Remember, we need 20 people signed up to have them deliver at my home.  I don’t think that will be a problem based on the response I’ve received, but just to be safe, please tell all your friends and neighbors.  If for some reason there are not 20 people registered, Bell will give you the option of refunding your money or we can arrange a car pool pick up in Salt Lake.

Here’s some more information on Bell Organic Gardens and their web site.

Bell Organic Gardens

Products include: beans, beets, broccoli raab, cabbage, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, arugula, Asian greens, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, garlic, shallots, onions, heirloom tomatoes, lettuce, melons, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, spinach, fresh herbs, summer squash, winter squash, Swiss chard,…  You will receive 5-7 different items each week bunched and bagged as you would see them in the grocery store.  Items such as tomatoes, summer squash, peppers, eggplant, and cucumber will start with one or two per portion and as the season progresses and production increases you will see the amount of these items go up quite a bit.  A four person share is double this.  We also offer local cheese shares, local fruit shares, local free range egg shares (1 dozen a week), and local certified organic grass fed beef shares available for pick up with your veggies.

Season:                May – November

Type:     Single farm

Since:    1998

# of Shares:        500

Cost:      Early Spring – $150; Summer – $450; Fall – $150

Pick Up Points:  Centerville, Draper, South Jordan, Millcreek, Park City, Salt Lake, Sandy

I like Bell Organic for a couple of reasons:

1.       Their vegetables are certified organic

2.       Their growing season is 30 weeks as opposed to 18 weeks with other CSAs

3.       They divide their seasons into Spring, Summer, and Fall so you don’t have to pay for all 30 weeks up front.

4.       They have some AMAZING add on’s!  For example:

a.       Certified organic Grass Fed Local Beef

b.      12 weeks of seasonal local fruit produced by Utah fruit growers

c.       Local wildflower honey

d.      Local free range eggs

e.      Local cheese

f.     Food storage share

This is a wonderful opportunity to get fresh produce in season.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

