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Button-4Today, I’ve been working on a button for my sidebar that will direct readers to the Find a Foot Zoner Near You Directory.  It occurred to me that other foot zoners or those interested in natural and holistic remedies may be aware of the benefits of a foot zone and want to be able to direct their readers to a source so they can also Find a Foot Zoner.

So, I created an HTML code that a blogger can put in a text widget that will place the Find a Foot Zoner Near You button on their side bar.  The size is 125 x 250, but it can be adjusted to fit the size of your side bar by modifying the HTML code.  If you’re not sure how to do this, please give me a call at 801-292-7574 and I’ll walk you through it.  It’s pretty simple really (or else I wouldn’t be able to do it).  🙂

I’ve had many people ask me about foot zoning and wondering if there’s a zoner in their area, so this link can really be helpful.  The zoners listed have all been certified by one of the three major schools in the country.

I would just suggest that before choosing a zoner you ask questions.  Some of the questions you might want to ask are:

  • How long have you been zoning?
  • When did you complete your classes?
  • How frequently do you zone?
  • Were you trained in energy work during the zone?
  • How often do you do energy work?
  • How long does a session take?
  • How much do you charge for a session?

Realize too, that choosing a foot zoner is comparable to finding a massage therapist or a hair stylist or a chiropractor or a cranial sacral therapist or any other energy worker.  Even though they may be trained in exactly the same technique, every zoner is different.  Two zoners in the same class may have a totally different touch and will definitely feel energy differently, so if you go to one zoner and it doesn’t feel right, try a different zoner in your area.  There really is no competition between zoners.  Most zoners realize that the important thing is that you get a good zone, not who zones you.

So, if you’re wondering if there’s a foot zoner in your area, check out the button below and on the side.  If you have a blog and want to add this button to your side bar, go ahead and grab my button.  If you’re a zoner  but aren’t on the list, send me an email with your information (City & State; Name; Phone; Email; School & Instructor Name) and we’ll get you added.  If you know a blogger who may be interested in having this button on their site, please send them my way.  🙂

Grab My Button

Find a Foot Zoner Near You